Social Media and Me

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All images are from the Canva image library:

Gilbert, S. (2016, November 16). ‘Black Mirror’ Is Back: ‘Nosedive’ Is a Sharp Satire About Social Media. Retrieved January 24, 2020, from

Clement, J. (2019, August 14). Number of social media users worldwide 2010-2021. Retrieved January 24, 2020, from

My digital footprint

Today, I tried to look across the internet for my digital footprint. I tried googling my name. I looked through the results, finding sites, social media accounts and videos of other HaoYang Li’s, but none of these belonged to me or had any relevance to me. I searched myself up on social media but found nothing besides my own account. Well, I guess I have a pretty “light” digital footprint. Here is my infographic about the digital footprint:

Here’s a link to the infograph if the quality of the image here isn’t very good