My Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint by Luka A.

1. It could affect my opportunities because if I have a video out there of me doing something that might be breaking the law or something I shouldn’t be doing, the interviewer for the job I want will look at that and think to themselves maybe we shouldn’t hire this person, they seem quite rowdy, or something like that.
2. You can use a VPN (like Nord) to effectively put a blockade in anyone’s way should they be trying to access your information, but VPNs cost money, so a more cost free way to do this is to have good strong passwords on every site you use and make sure you don’t use the same password on multiple sites.
3. I would explain as “everything you do or say online stays there forever” because you really can’t erase something off the internet, once it happens, once it’s there, it’s there forever, and you can’t do anything about it.
4. For my name, all I found was my old Facebook profile and a motorcycle brand that shares the same name as my last name.

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