Favorite Website

My favorite website is called Top 10 Anime Betrayals

http://Yang, Nathan, and Kelvin Shao. “Top 10 Anime Betrayals.” Top 10 Anime Betrayals, 25 July 2019, aidanwebb.ca/nathankelvin19897457627326126666273049842neverfindthispleasegod/.

So first of all you’re probably wondering why the link to the website is so bizarre (maybe). The reason why is because during the summer me and my friend Kelvin created a website at summer school. We didn’t have a domain so we couldn’t put it on the internet and we wanted to, so I asked my friend Aidan to put it on his domain which he did with a bit of persuasion. However. he made the link as obscure as possible so it would be practically impossible to find the website without the link (that’s why it says “neverfindthispleasegod” at the end). Anyways this is my favorite website because first of all the website is partially made by me and I’m proud of that. The reason being that it used all the coding skills that I learned in summer school. Secondly, the website itself is a joke because it starts out looking legit with the watchmojo.org at the top, an intro to anime betrayals and an anime betrayal. However, the further you go in the website the more ridiculous the betrayals become ranging from an actual anime betrayal to the website itself being a betrayal. The paragraphs for each entry are also funny because they’re so ridiculous. Finally at the very bottom of the page you’ll see some share buttons, credits, photoshopped pictures of me and Kelvin that I made and Contacts. The Facebook share button goes to Mark Zuckerberg’s facebook, the Twitter one goes to Elon Musk’s facebook and finally the download one goes to a sketchy website. Obviously the contacts aren’t legit because the phone number belongs to a Chinese KFC, the email isn’t real and the Address is a KFC in Houston. The point is that even though I helped make the website I still find it really funny which is why it’s my favorite website.

Citation: (It feels weird citing my own website)

Yang, Nathan, and Kelvin Shao. “Top 10 Anime Betrayals.” Top 10 Anime Betrayals, Watchmojo.org, 18 July 2019, aidanwebb.ca/nathankelvin19897457627326126666273049842neverfindthispleasegod/.

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