Climate Change – Youtube Clip

On September 23rd, Greta Thunberg gave a powerful, provoking speech to many world leaders and U.N. ambassadors. The purpose of this speech was to scare, no to scold all of mankind for turning their backs on the world. Many moons ago, countries together made a promise to clean up the carbon in the atmosphere and reverse global warming. But because of their empty words, entire ecosystems are collapsing, people are dying, and countries even have to go as far as changing their capital because it is flooding.

This speech was to raise awareness and finally start to do something impactful about climate change. Don’t get me wrong, all across the globe a countless amount of people have been doing their part in saving the planet, but imagine how much more efficient and effective our path to a clean planet would be if world leaders who have influence and money will join the cause.

This video is quite important to me, as it should be important to everyone because the Earth is ours to take care of and we are destroying it. We are the problem and the solution. So let’s not start a mass extinction, because humanity has a bright future ahead of us. So all in all, we need to realize that the Earth is our home and to keep our home we will be instituting change. If you cannot keep up, then get out of the way. Because right here, right now, we draw the line.



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