Posts Tagged ‘assignment 2’

Assignment 2

section #1

In grade 7 I had made a timeline for my Social Studies on this website ( and I had listed my whole life and all the exciting things that had happened within those 12 years. This is a bad and good effect on my digital footprint. The bad effect could be that if people search me up they would be able to see where I’m from, where I lived, my family members, and most of my life. the good effect is that people would know how I was as a kid and see all the opportunities I had as a kid such as meeting the prime minister for helping a sick kid or going on a field trip to Indonesia with my school for a week to have fun, learn life skills, and help needy kids. When I searched up my name on google my Pinterest account came up and it showed things I’m interested in or saved such as nail designs, my clothes preference, songs I like, and my aesthetic this will tell people a lot about myself without even knowing me or meeting me.

When I apply to a school or a job and they research about me or search me up they will see all the things I would have accomplished and if I am a good role model. They can see the type of people I hang out with and see if I am a perfect fit in their criteria. Posting rude, inappropriate, disrespectful stuff will tell them a lot about my behavior and lifestyle.

section #2

How to keep your Digital footprint safe and appropriate?

many times when I am seraching something and go to a new website I always see a “cookies” thing pop up and lets be honest no one ever reads it at least i have not. After seraching what it was about “cookies” is a website that stores all your information in your devices browser directory when we accpet it. ” cookies” has it own benefits and disadvantages. For example, thanks to “cookies” we get the type of advertisements we like such as our instgram feed its mostly whatever we enjoy and like. The disadvantages are that it stores our data everything we search up and this can help hackers, for example if  my laptop got hacked  thanks to “cookies” they would be able to see webisties i most use and may make some changes that would affect me.  ” cookies” could also help a person figure out someone elses location such as there city/ country/ postal code through there.


How to keep your Digital footprint safe and appropriate?

many times when I am searching for something and go to a new website I always see a “cookies” thing pop up and let’s be honest no one ever reads it at least I have not. After searching what it was about “cookies” is a website that stores all your information in your device’s browser directory when we accept it. ” cookies” has its benefits and disadvantages. For example, thanks to “cookies” we get the type of advertisements we like such as our Instagram feed its mostly whatever we enjoy and like. The disadvantages are that it stores our data everything we search up and this can help hackers, for example, if my laptop got hacked thanks to “cookies” they would be able to see websites I most use and may make some changes that would affect me. ” cookies” could also help a person figure out someone else’s location such as there city/ country/ postal code through there. 


How can we keep our digital footprint safe? This is how I keep mine safe and appropriate:

  • make your account private and block people who make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe:

               – For Instagram, I have made my account private and only accept requests from people I know or my friends know. Sometimes after accepting a request, a person can still make me uncomfortable, and usually, in that case, I unfollow or block that person. 

  • Off your location and make sure you know the person before talking or snapping them:

                – To keep my Snapchat safe I have switched off my location so that no one can see it. I never add anyone I don’t know and if I am talking to someone I don’t know I make sure I save all the chats because Snapchat does have a feature where after the person opens the unread message it disappears.

  • turn off location for apps you don’t use:

                – I have switched off my location whenever I’m not on any app so it only can tell my location when I’m on that app

  • Have different passwords for every account:

                 – I never keep the same passwords on any social media or account because if someone can guess one account’s password they know all your passwords to everything. never keep the passwords of your animal and birthday because that’s the easiest to guess.

  • Is your post respectful to others ?:

                  -To make sure our digital footprint is appropriate we must know what to post and who all will see it e.g. is it disrespectful to your friends/ culture/ family/school. Would you show this to your grandmother? We must be sure of who we message and talk about.



#section 3

How would you explain the idea of “digital permanence” to anyone in your spheres of influence: other students, your family members, your teachers, etc.?Why should we care and be aware of “digital permanence?”

digital permanence is basically something you share or post that is going to stay on the internet forever. After we delete a post on Instagram where does it go what if someone screenshotted it or sent it to someone this is what we need to be careful about. When we delete something from the internet it’s not gone forever. This why it is important to know what your posting is it embarrassing or rude. Once you post something there is no way to undo it. You may have cleared your search history and deleted that post and you cant see it anymore but it still is somewhere and may be accessible.  

