science fair blog by Riley parker

citrus battery voltage By Riley parker

What was your research question what were trying to solve?

We were trying to see how much voltage each fruit contained to see if it could actually power something more then just a small battery

Why was this topic important?

We wanted to see if it could maybe power something useful maybe a charging station for a phone.

What research have you done? have you already collected data? what did you find out?

We did do some research but to no avail the battery was not strong enough to power what we wanted it to power. the numbers for the lime lemon and orange were all to weak. Orange 0.04 lemon 0.12 lime was 0.18

How did you plan to set up your investigation? what materials were you planning to use? what are the step by step instructions to conduct your experiment?

We planned to set it up with all the tools necessary which were lime lemon orange and grapefruit, a penny a nail and a multimeter a knife and cutting board. the step by step instructions include, first start by rolling the fruit on the cutting bard then make 2 small cuts at the top then stick the penny in and place the nail on the other side then place the the voltage measurers along the penny and nail and measure the voltage.

did you consult an adult while doing this experiment?

No, we didn’t we figured that we should do it on our own.