favorite picture

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Cats are my favorite animal because their very lovable

I think cats are good pets to make your day better if it’s bad in the first place.

Some good quality’s about cats, some are calm and cuddly they’re fluffy and to me cute.

My favorite quote.

“Be yourself everyone else is already taken” ― Oscar Wilde 

I love this quote because it means just be you because you are the best at being you.

This meant a lot when i was a kid i always wanted to be a cool kid. but then i realized that i am me and no one else.



Favorite Video

The reason why i like this video is because it’s funny at the end.

Him falling is the best part, the guy behind the camera saying “Wayne Glensky” in a weird way is pretty funny to.

How i found it was i hit my keyboard and i cricked search and this came up, i was bored at the time.