Science Quotes

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.  

       ― Marie Curie (physicist and chemist, 1867 – 1934) 

 Marie Curie was unafraid of the unknown as she pursued radiation, a new metal without hesitation. This is the woman that changed the field of physics and developed the now, modern, X-ray. A device that helps others. This quote talks about how by understanding our fears in life we can learn and grow from these fears, becoming the critical thinker that this society now needs. Honestly, I feel that this quote encourages me to do things that I find challenging even sometimes fearing because I never know what will hit me next. Although, the fear still stands, when I see the things that Marie Curie did to understand her fears, helping others in the end, I get the encouragement to pursue my life without fear.  

 The reason why I chose this quote is because of the way it resonates so perfectly with the new wave of inventions/ ideas.  I think that her quote is relevant to the new inventions that are evolving at a frightening rate such as robots, AIs, electronics, overall technology. Her words can still be heard today; where humans should not fear to understand the new inventions because the more, we understand, the less we must fear.


2 thoughts on “Science Quotes

  1. Aliisa Sarte January 30, 2020 / 10:31 pm

    Thanks for sharing Veronica

    • veronical2019 February 8, 2020 / 8:21 pm

      🙂 thank you for reading!

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