Assignment 1; Step 4; Quote

” Humans control their own fate ” – Oedipus.

Sisyphus; A person who cheated death twice by tricking the gods. Soon he was sentenced to rolling up a stone to the top of the mountain. In addition, every time he reaches the top of the mountain, the stone would roll back down to the start.   

Oedipus displays the human’s fate is nor controlled by gods or magic, but it’s us who wields it. Oedipus was destined to kill his father and marry his mother; though as many had attempted to stop destiny itself, they all have failed. When he found out about this he succumbed to the sadness and sorrow; however, he gradually came out of his timid shell. In fact, in his last speech he concluded: “All is well.”; Like Sisyphus, both trapped in the reality of the world neither can escape. However, they can perceive it in another meaning; a beautiful meaning. Moreover, if we reflect this in real life, numerous people are bounded by fate. Some may not realize they are a toad looking up in a well. For instance, slaves; slaves represent mankind its selves. Mankind is hopeless and they give up easily and almost instantly. However, this doesn’t mean we should let destiny control our lives. Even if bloodshed or tears fall, I promise you, it’s worth it. As Sisyphus and Oedipus conclude at the end of their journey, “All is well.” As one man’s struggle is enough to fill one person’s heart. In short, I’m talking about the journey we take. If we reflect this in real life, we are all Sisyphus; we ourselves are pushing our stone of struggles and dreams. Children, teen, or elderly, we are all Sisyphus’, and we shouldn’t let go; no matter how corrupt or absurd the world is. No matter how small the world is. We should continue to the end. It doesn’t matter that we will inevitably die, or our rock will come tumbling down. It’s the journey that matters, and by the end of our journey we’ll too conclude “all is well”. In conclusion, we shouldn’t take one person’s words to heart. How they criticize our dreams for being unrealistic, and how we should give up. We should take that as a motivation, to prove them wrong. Most importantly, we should continue on living till the end.  

I like it because it gives us perseverance and a meaning in life.



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