The Internet’s Language




Did you click away after seeing the first three texts?

If not, do you recognize any of these terms?

Chances are that you use them, making you an internetese (you are not special)


What is it?

So what is an internetese?

In short, it is a made-up language that kids speak these days on their phones

Referencing the previous examples, can be confusing

It is okay, that you are confused because so am I

Besides that, you can obviously see it doesn’t make sense 

That is because it is made up (duh)

However, they do have meaning that is unofficial in dictionaries

For example, “LOL” – is a popular expression to portray laughing 

It is an acronym for “laughing out loud”

There are many other examples, such as “gigachad” and  “poggers” that is used widely 

As well it can be in form of emojis

Some may ask how did it arise and why?



The language was formed for two purposes: to shorten and to summarize

Acronyms such as ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing,)  LOL (laughing out loud,) and LMAO (laughing my ass off) are shortened for an easy use

These are the language I don’t mind

However, there are some words like “okay” that are being shortened

It is dire to shorten it to “ok” because of various important reasons (only one; laziness)

Not only “okay,” but words like “alright, today, and tomorrow” is being shortened to “alr, tdy, and tmr” 

These are just lazy in my opinion

As well, there are phrases that people use to summarize their emotions

Instead of saying “wow that is good,” you can now say “SHEEEESH”

Besides that, there are emojis that are used to summarize emotions

Emojis are pictures that depict their emotion

There is an emoji if you are sad if you are happy, and many others

Most of the time, these “long” sentences are replaced with a simple picture

So, let’s say your grandma died

Instead of writing, “Grandma died today, I am sad” you have to write out “👵☠️🕊️, 😭” (okay, maybe too much exaggeration)

More meta forms of emojis are GIGACHAD, PEPAGA, and many others

But anyways you understand my message

Written forms such as LOL and GIGACHAD and pictures such as 👵 are used to shorten and summarize their message


This is no doubt changed the era of language: areas such as vocab, orthography, grammar, and style are affected 


Changes in Vocab

internetese has undoubtedly changed our vocabulary 

Words that aren’t even in the English dictionary, are still being used in informal writing

However, not all are unofficial– after all, there’s a chance it actually gets put in the dictionary

Words like virtual fashion, metaverse, ASMR, and many others made it to the dictionary this year!


Changes in Orthography

Orthography is the art of writing words with the proper letters according to standard usage

As you can see, these words do not fit in the “standard”
Words like “alr” and “tmr” do not work in the English dictionary

However, the standard can change

As more prevalent internetese it will in no doubt shape our English language

After all, new words are getting added


Changes in Grammar

Grammar has always been a set of rules that a sentence should follow

However, thanks to internese it is gone!

It is fine if your sentences are in fragments

After all, there is a large difference between text and essay writing

For example, sentences starting and ending with “LOL” may not work in essay writing

But in text, it is sound


Changes in Style

Internetese changed our style of writing

Most of the time when using this text language its purpose is to make things short and summarize meanings

For example, “hello” can be said “yo”

This made it sound more casual and laidback than “hello”

This usually goes for most internetese, a language that is more casual than traditional

Thus, as more as we indulge in this language, we can find our text “relaxing”



Internetese has indefinitely impacted our use of communications 

Things such as “LOL” and “bussing” can fly by

However, there are problems with this language

For example, “gigachad”

Gigachad, a trending word these days, needs to be google searched in order to understand its meaning

Not only gigachad, but many other words need to be searched up 

This is lame

It’s like entering a book full of old unused words

Even after searching it up, you might forget it 

If a person has to search for a word’s meaning every minute why even bother trying to communicate

As well, it is misleading

Specifically, emojis

They have different meanings compared to their intended meaning

For example, the skull emoji 💀

It is supposed to relate to death or the paranormal, but it is used to represent laughter

Most importantly, it is informal

The more we use this informal language, it might affect our formal writing

For example, many teachers are noticing words like “alr” is being used in essays

This is bad because how can we convince people if we are using “tmr” and such



Internetese undoubtedly affected our everyday language

For it easy and laidback style, it has changed  the grammar, style, orthology, and vocab

However, it arises problems such as too much formality and misleading use


Thank you for reading

Tiktok Can Be Sued If This Bill Is Passed

This California Bill makes it so a parent can sue for the child’s social addiction.

Meaning apps like TikTok can be sued (yay!)

Despite killing social media apps, it is probably better if there are adjustments to this bill



The purpose of the bill is to make kids like Jimmy stop looking at the god damn phone!

In a survey, 92% of college students reported that they text messages during class. Even worse, (which I can not believe,) kids spend between five to seven and a half hours per day. 

This addiction is the reason why Jimmy is so depressedI always wondered why Jimmy never wanted to leave the bed– the phone is to blame!

Plus, there are many others! Not only he is depressed, but he is also distracted, gets 2 hours of sleep per night, gets cyberbullied, and many others! 

This, THIS, was the purpose of the bill– to stop the enemy.

As much as it sounds like a good idea, there are downsides

And plus, not everyone is like Jimmy



Their goal is to stop social media addiction because of its negatives. By placing a large fee, most social media platforms will switch to an age verification process (such as checking I.D)

This will essentially stop most underage people from using social media. Even though it stops most children, that doesn’t mean adults wouldn’t get addicted– in fact, it is probably even worse.

In the U.S, 16-33 million adults are addicted to their phones. The big difference between children and adults is that adults have fewer chances.

For example, Jimmy as a child (before the amendment) is addicted to his phone. As a result, he gets a fat zero on the big test. Jimmy realises his error and fixes it– learning the negatives of the phone.

In another universe, Jimmy waits until he is an adult to get his phone. He becomes addicted, but this time he gets fired for lazy work habits.

In fact, 28% of people get fired for using the internet wrongly. The key difference is that there are more consequences when you are an adult– there are no second chances. 


This brings me to the next point, which is that kids learn about the drawbacks. In our education system, we cover topics like digital footprint, cyberbullying, etc. Having the amendment won’t be helpful if kids can not apply their knowledge right now– instead, they are most likely going to forget it after high school.

For example, Jimmy’s job application gets rejected because he posted a picture of himself burning houses. In fact, 18% of job applications are dismissed because of something they posted on social media.

This could be easily avoidable if Jimmy cared about something he uses every day instead of something he does not use. Thus, having social media helps us learn about social media better than not having it.

To recap, their goal is to stop addiction by restricting children from entering their platform. This does not mean adults can’t use social media, which is worse because they have more consequences as well they probably enter the world with no knowledge of their digital footprint, etc.


Is it Realistic?

It is possible for this to happen, but most likely not. As said previously, you can do this by making people show I.D before creating an account (which is honestly insane.)

Even so, many people wouldn’t accept it because (like said) everyone is not Jimmy. We ain’t depressed. Some people can control their usage, and use it to their advantage.

For example, Tommy can use social media to connect with their peer, share his interests, and overall be in a friendly environment. As well, it shouldn’t be the company’s fault but the parent’s negligence.

Jimmy is on his phone every day which can easily be stopped by his parents. Also, many companies wouldn’t like it because it will shrink from the restrictions.

32.5% of TikTok’s accounts are inhabited by 19-year-olds. If there’s a restriction there is a loss in viewers from the restriction as well as the pain of signing in.

My solution

Instead of setting restrictions, I would require the apps to be less addicting. The algorithm shouldn’t recommend personalized posts similar to Instagram, but have the user decide what he wants to see.

For example, Jimmy will only get stuff around gaming. If he likes a lot of posts containing controllers, his feed won’t change at all. This will make it so the user doesn’t keep scrolling… scrolling… and scrolling.

As well, they should have parental controls which makes it so they can set a time limit. If a parent is unhappy about their child’s addiction, they can put a limit. This will make it so that they aren’t on TikTok for 24 hours per day.

As well, they should encourage the user to take a break if they spend too much time on the app. Every one hour and so, they would send a notification to take a break. This will help them to finally put the phone down.

To Recap

The Bill is to stop apps like TikTok (yay) from affecting young minds. However, as great as it sounds, it doesn’t stop adults from getting addicted. This is worse because there are more consequences and they are more naive.

Even so, people won’t allow it for its positive attributes, and companies will lose a lot of viewers due to the restriction.

My solution is that instead of restricting teens, I would make it less addicting by having the user only see what he follows and encouraging/setting breaks.


Thank you for reading 










Devices in the classroom. Derek Bok Center, Harvard University. (n.d.). Retrieved June 1, 2022, from
Geyser, W. (2021, December 30). The Real Social Media Addiction Stats for 2022. Influencer Marketing Hub. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from,in%20the%20United%20States%20alone.
Stacy Rapacon, special to C. N. B. C. (2016, February 5). How using social media can get you fired. CNBC. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from
Tiktok statistics – everything you need to know [Apr 2022 update]. Wallaroo Media. (2022, April 21). Retrieved June 1, 2022, from 

This Billionare Offered Me Thousands to Create This Logo

Rui Saito, a renowned billionaire, offered me 10k to create a logo for her blog

I made the smart move and negotiated down to a penny (what a steal!)

Immediately, I started thinking about what to do…



I hopped on FaceBook and contacted Rui. She gave me her likes and dislikes (I was on her dislike list…) As well, she shared more of herself

Using my 200iq, I created 10 different mockups that represented the given information. Then, I narrowed it down to three and began turning it into vectors using Adobe Illustrator (#notsponsored)



Using Adobe Illustrator, I created my BEAUTIES

I mainly used shapes to create my logos to make it simple and sweet



I asked my colleagues for feedback (some were hurtful 🥺) which helped me to refine my logos. As well, they liked the mountain the most so I trashed the rest


Ba-Boom! I am happy with the results and will be even happier once I receive my penny!


Thank you for reading 🙂


Magazine Cover



SS Finals 2010 day 4 – third straight final for chong wei. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2022, from


I Used Selection and Filter Tools to Create a Masterpiece

Using Adobe Photoshop 2021, I transformed a png of Kirby into something more abstract


Original                                               New

The Official Home of Kirby™ - Official Game Site

How I did it

Using the selection tool, I sectioned out each body part in its designated layer

Then, I applied a filter to each layer- making it more AWESOME



Adobe Photoshop 2021 provides a ton of customization to make a photo more fun



The official home of Kirby™ – Official Game Site. The Official Home of Kirby™ – Official Game Site. (n.d.). Retrieved April 4, 2022, from

Disabling Comments Shows You Are Insecure

Commenting has always been good or bad

As a reader or a writer, the comment section has always ended in a positive note

However, there are scenarios that disabling comments is good, but most of the time it is better to leave it on

This is unless you are insecure!

How to Get More Comments on Your Blog (13 Easy Tips)


Positives of Commentating

Leaving the comment section on, helps both the reader and the writer


Builds a Community 

People are encouraged to leave a comment when there is a comment section

Comments are usually reactions, jokes, and many other types

Thanks to the reply system, people can engage in conservations 

Having it turned off, stops engagement from fans

What If I wanted to talk about how handsome Jung Kook is?



Having comments can improve the credibility

For example, I was watching an old tutorial and didn’t know if it was outdated or not. So, I looked at the recent comments to see what people think about the video.

It was mostly “Thanks”, so I knew it was still working

This improves the trust from both the reader and the writer



This brings on to my next point, it helps the communication between the reader and writer

What if I wanted to ask a question about if it was safe to breathe?

What if I wanted to talk to my fanbase?

Enabling the comment section can create strong bonds between the audience and the producer

SaiVa AcadEmy: Why Do Communication Skills We All Need? - MintoClock


Negatives of Commentating

There are reasons why people turn commenting off, however most can be avoided / lessened


Flame Wars

If a comment section is full of heated arguments, it discourages people to comment

The next thing after you post “Great Video :)”, you get a bunch of angry replies

This also makes the source less trustful when negative opinions are at the top of comments

This is unavoidable, but it depends what you’re posting 

For example, if you post fake news it will receive more negative feedback than real



If there is a lot of comments, it is time-consuming to moderate them

Moderation will always be prevalent, it can be lessened by not doing it all, or making other people do it



It can slow down the website when loading in the comments

Like most websites, you don’t have to load all the comments

For example, YouTube will only show more if you scroll more down



A troll is someone who intentionally disrupts online communities 

These trolls can be easily removed by

  1. Don’t give them attention – trolls will most likely move on to their next target
  2. Kill them with kindness or humor – respond unexpectedly 
  3. Educate – what they are saying is wrong 
  4. Block them

The only weapon a troll has is your self-control

If you realize this trolls are nothing

Online trolls targeting people with a disability | Aruma Disability services. Putting you first.



If you disable comments you are insecure

Comments are good for building a community, communication, and credibility

Disabling them means you can’t handle the trolls

As well, If your comment section is full of mixed opinions, maybe you should revise the content instead of disabling the comment section


Thank you for reading



Admin. (2021, December 6). Saiva Academy: Why do communication skills we all need? MintoClock. Retrieved February 27, 2022, from

How to get more comments on your blog (13 easy tips). Blog Tyrant. (2021, January 21). Retrieved February 27, 2022, from

Online trolls targeting people with a disability: Aruma. Aruma Disability Services. (2018, June 1). Retrieved February 27, 2022, from

I Made This Cute GIF Using PowerPoint

I can’t believe I used PowerPoint to make this GIF

I want to share you how I made this using PowerPoint


What Is a GIF?

A GIF (graphics interchange format,) is a file format that supports both static and animated images

In slang, it is a short animated image with no sound

It usually accompanies a meme, emotion, mostly everyday use


How I Made It

I duplicated the previous slide and made it move (up or down)

I added effects to make the cat rotate and make the trampoline “bounce”

I could have added transitions, but since I want it to be perfect loop, I did not

Then, I exported it in a GIF format



GIFS are animated images with no sound

Even though PowerPoint is a less known option to make GIFS, it is still viable

In fact, I’m able to make such cute imagery using PowerPoint


Thank you for reading!




Cute cat #pixelart: Pixel art characters, Minecraft Pixel Art, pixel art. Pinterest. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2022, from

Trampoline sprite for gam. Pixilart. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2022, from

The Only Guide You Need About MS Word’s Shapes


Are you stuck trying to find a way to add shapes in word?

Are you interested in finding away to enhance your document?

Well look no further, I will answer all your questions!

How to Insert It

  1. Find it
  2. Click it
  3. Choose it
  4. Insert It

Step 1: Find it

After opening a word document, you will see a list of tabs at the top

At the top, select Insert

Step 2: Click it

After selecting Insert, you will see a list of options! Shapes should be next to Pictures near the left side of the tabs. Click Shapes

Tip: Make sure to use the App not the Online Version because it doesn’t have it

Step 3: Choose it

After clicking Shapes, it gives you a list of options. Choose your desired Shape 

Step 4: Insert It

After clicking on it, you mouse pointer will change to grid-like icon. Then, hold your left button and move the cursor, then let go when you are happy with your product

Tip: The shape is not final (also you can move it,) so you don’t worry



The basics of how to edit your shapes

Move: Hover over the shape, hold down your left button, move, then let go

Type: Click the shape and start typing

Shape: Click the shape and move the white dots

Rotate: Click the shape and move the reverse sign


More advanced techniques to modify your shapes

Shape Fill: Click the shape, click Shape Fill, click on desired color and it will fill in the color

You can also add a Picture, Gradient, and Texture

Outline: Click the shape, click Outline, and click desired color

You can also edit the thickness of the outline (Weight,) the sketchiness of the line (Sketched,) and the line’s look (Dashes)

Style: Click the shape, click Style, and click desired style

  • Styles are presets of Outline and Shape Fill 

Text: You can change the text’s placement outside of the shape. For example, I made the text under the shape. You can make the image appear behind, in front, and many more! Click the shape, click the black rainbow icon, then test out the various text placements

Shape Effects: Click the shape, click Shape Effects, and click desired shape effect

Shape Effects are features that changes how the shape looks from small to big edits

There are Presets, Shadow, etc.



There are many uses of Microsoft’s Shapes

For example, Shapes are used to make flowcharts

Or you can make cute images to send to your colleagues

Or you can make a timeline

There are many other uses for shapes, the options are limitless!



Boom! Now you learned how to insert a shape in four easy steps! As well, you learned the basics of how shapes work, and advanced techniques to spice up your word document!

If you have any problems, I’m happy to reply in the comments!

Thank you for reading!