
1. Digital Footprint refers to some of the web pages you see on the web, and you like or comment on the dynamics. I think the digital footprint reflects your preferences, concerns and areas of expertise. This is the first impression of the superior, the superior may be to judge your professional level and meet the job requirements through these digital footprints. In other words, the digital footprint is the first resume for someone new to the society. Just because the digital footprint reflects your preferences, the digital footprint also determines your circle of friends and direction of work. Knowing a person’s digital footprint is equivalent to knowing someone, because your comments on the web show yours. Raising, quality and attitude towards society can generally determine your character. So I think the digital footprint affects your personal brand and future higher education opportunities. So the digital footprint is very important to people. Please be cautious on the Internet.

2. (1) Do not post your address on the Internet. If there are criminals who see your address, something undesired may happen. So not publishing your address on the Internet is a way to protect yourself.

(2) Do not save some passwords on the network. This will make some nets Hackers steal your password to do something illegal. Perhaps these sites are illegal sites, so the risk of saving passwords is even greater.

(3) Don’t post some of your private numbers on social networking sites. Such as ID card number, passport number, bank card number, and so on. These privacy figures If you are stolen by a hacker, the hacker will know all of your information.

3.Digital permanence refers to the immutability of information on the Internet. To put it simply, for the child, I will give you a candy. You will always know that you have eaten this sugar, and this sugar will not disappear. For grandma, you bought an apple at the supermarket. When you walk out of the supermarket, you will always have Some apples, these apples will not disappear. For teachers, digital permanence refers to what you post on the web. No matter how you delete it, its digital footprint on the web will not disappear, but will be stored forever.

iris zhu

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