I like this picture because this is one of the best catches in NFL history. Most of the time i try to do this catch it falls on the ground. put i could neve catch it with 3 fingers
I like this picture because this is one of the best catches in NFL history. Most of the time i try to do this catch it falls on the ground. put i could neve catch it with 3 fingers
www.google.ca/search?q=dunk&tbm=isch&safe=strict&chips=q:dunk,g_1:kobe+bryant:DjGVkS6CWnI%3D&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQm9Tw8_3sAhUPop4KHUg8ADgQ4lYoBnoECAEQIA&biw=1263&bih=562#imgrc=imNDdPAC1MPs1M www.google.ca/search?q=dunk&tbm=isch&safe=strict&chips=q:dunk,g_1:kobe+bryant:DjGVkS6CWnI%3D&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQm9Tw8_3sAhUPop4KHUg8ADgQ4lYoBnoECAEQIA&biw=1263
I like this picture because of the aggressiveness in the picture. And I like the type of dunk that he did.
This picture is Kobe Bryant dunking on Dwight Howard
Not to me a fake person
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