What does sPARKS! do ?
This is an extension to a GPS. With the input of the user’s destination (plus additional information, such as whether the user has a disabled parking permit), it scans up-to-date satellite imagery of all parking spots at that destination. Comparing said satellite images to images of taken & empty parking spots in its database, it can determine whether or not a car is already parked at each spot. Using if/then processing, it outputs and updates a map that indicates the open spots. If the user does not have a disabled parking permit, then those spots will be indicated as taken in the map. In addition, the app uses GPS data to show the user’s location on said map.
What parts of the DESIGN PROCESS were used in this project?
- Defining: A problem had to be defined for a solution to come about.
- Ideating: Then, I began to imagine possible solutions, an audience, a design, and the most efficient way to integrate the solution into daily life. With the help of a guide, I also imagined how testing and determining if the idea worked would play out.
- Prototyping: In terms of the design, the displays, the visuals (how the app is organized), I first drew sketches on paper, before creating them on Piktochart.
- Sharing: First, the idea was shared with classmates and peers, in order to receive feedback. That was when I ran into one problem: People often park on the side of the road. Would the app be able to show those “parking spots?” That complicated the matter far more. What is the length of the user’s car? What places are okay for people to park? I decided to focus the app on parking lots, like Costco’s. If this project was furthered, perhaps then, non-parking lot areas would be considered. Now, I am sharing this app here, on a blog post.
What am I most proud of with this app?
I rather enjoyed imagining the process the app would go through in creating an output. Factors such as a disabled parking permit were taken into consideration. However, it would have been better if I had also considered how the app would know if, for example, construction was taking place at a parking lot, and certain spots were then unavailable. Otherwise, I am happy with the process.