My ICT9 HTML & CSS Web Lab project:
Five Animals Endangered by Climate Change!
How was HTML & CSS used to design this web page?
HTML was used to create the content of the page. Inserting images and embedding a video, writing out paragraphs and headings, organizing the headings into a list, etc.
CSS, on the other hand, was used to add colors, create dashed borders for images, a box for the title, an overline for headings, and formatting the page contents.
What to notice about the page!
- It may be difficult to see, but the images have a slight shadow 1px down and 1px to the right of their dashed borders.
- Care was taken to the format and display of the web page in terms of color palette and shapes.
Why the “Social Awareness & Responsibility” CC tag was chosen.
Climate change is a serious crisis that cannot be ignored. Our interactions with the natural world is invaluable and it is important to be aware of it. This assignment required exactly that: Awareness of the climate crisis.
Why the “Testing” design process tag was chosen.
With CSS & HTML, you come to realize that what is created isn’t always what you expected or wanted. For example, for the attributions, I found that putting them under the images in the HTML code resulted in wide gaps between paragraphs of text, which was funny-looking. I tested multiple formats over and over before finding one that I liked.