My Favourite YouTube Clip

My favourite YouTube Clip is “History of the Entire World, I Guess” by Bill Wurtz. The original has a little bit of swearing so I put a clean edit of the video:


This video is my favourite video because it is very unique and includes a lot of elements that I really like. It is unique in that there’s not really any video that condenses so much information into a 20 minute video but still manages to keep it entertaining and interesting. Bill Wurtz narrates the video with short sentences and musical jingles, making the video more engaging and entertaining. I really like his musical style for the jingles. This is really a video that you could watch several times over and still not be bored by it. It’s informative, educational, and entertaining at the same time.

This video reflects who I am because I like to watch a lot of YouTube and I also enjoy learning about random things like history.


Wurtz, B., & Nuttybartony. (2017). History of the entire world, i guess but its clean (No swearing, for schools and teachers! ). YouTube. YouTube. Retrieved September 22, 2021, from

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