My Digital Portfolio

I don’t know how the interview will proceed. I gave my full answers on the presentation so you can read it. Something in my presentation that I would like you to notice is that I spent a lot of time obsessing over the fonts and font sizes, I spent probably too much time on making it look nice. My self evaluation is 6/9 (for the moment as I have not provided feedback to a peer).

(Also, on questions D, there are two questions in it but I was not sure where you wanted 4-5 sentences for each so I interpreted it as only 4 because the presentation was only supposed to be 5 mins.)

My Digital Portfolio by Ella

My Digital Footprint

I googled myself. I found nothing and even when our SOAR leaders looked us up, they never found anything on me. Through this activity I checked all of my password protected sites, seeing my profiles and privacy settings. I am not unhappy with what I found or with my digital footprint, you would not find much and even then, none of its incriminating and would lose me a job (I’m pretty sure).
However, I do now realize how much more our digital footprint is, its about web searches, privacy policies and cookies, not just posting pictures or videos. If you want to do anything online or with an app, you have to enter your email address, age, full name, etc. because of that I leave a big digital footprint even though most of it is not tracible by your average person and its used mostly for advertisement. But if they are going take information from my activity to give me adds, at least I am not going to see inappropriate adult content.

My presentation: