Tag Archives: #assignment1

Image of Impact(Favourite Picture)

Rabbit finally goes outside in the snow! - YouTube

This is my favorite picture. It is a picture from “OneMorePlease” ‘s youtube channel in a video called “Rabbit finally goes outside in the snow!” I chose this picture because I love rabbits and snow(winter in general). I also chose this photo because this shows that, though snow can be deadly to some rabbits, others adapt.

Rabbits that often live indoors find snow dangerous but the rabbits that often live outdoors have developed thicker fur coats to adapt to the cold weather. This shows that rabbits are extremely smart animals and they can adapt to environments if needed. It is a common belief that rabbits are vulnerable to practically everything, that would be true with indoor rabbits, but outdoors ones can adapt and are able to live without an owner.

Favorite youtube clip

This is my favorite youtube video right now. I really like it because it is extremely hilarious and weirdly relatable. I really enjoy watching videos that are both something you can watch many times and never get sick of it. I’ve watched this video around 20 times now but I can still watch it 20 more! This video stands out to me because I can imagine the feeling of being in this situation because I am terrified of insects, no matter their size. This shows that I am not a very outdoors or athletic person since I don’t get frightened by insects, spiders, and some animals very often.