What is Internetese, and is it changing the way we think and communicate?

There are many different ways we communicate nowadays: e-mail, text messaging, video calls, emojis, etc. In fact, many believe that we are getting lazy with the way we write. In everyday life, we wouldn’t address something formally unless it’s for work or a school project. Yet, we would still break the rules nonetheless. Now I want to tell you something, there is something that is changing the way we communicate, and that’s called internetese. But what is internetese you may ask. That’s what I’m going to explain, and why it’s getting more popular.

The internet era. The future of communication. Many people nowadays use the internet daily do communicate to others and share their thoughts. that great, exempt typing online often differs that what we might write or say.

The main definition of internetese is an informal way of communicating, typically online, where the rules and regulations of grammar and punctuation is ignored. Neologism refers to newly formed, or formed of existing words. They are words that have various, or new meanings. More on that later.

First and foremost, there are four key aspects when it comes to internetese: vocabulary, Orthography, grammar, and style. Let’s start discussing about vocabulary.

Let’s start talking about vocabulary, or better known, vocab. See, where’re already off to a great start! Vocabulary is the body of words that make up the English language. The core part of English literature and communication. Without vocab, there wouldn’t be an English language. Thus, vocab is crucial.

Vocabulary also evolved through prediction. More often that not, we get predictions and assumptions of our next words based on what we’ve typed. For example, if you intend of typing ‘how are you?’, the computer may guess right after typing ‘how’. We’ve basically teached machines not how to communicate, but what to communicate.

Moreover, many words in the English language have several meanings, and some of them come about. Not all words we say has an intended meaning, and sometimes it refers to the situation one is discussing.

For example, take a overrated famous brand: Gucci. Everyone’s heard of Gucci, am I right. Immedialy, images of wealth, fashion, and designers bags pop up in one’s mind. However, Gucci also has another intended meaning, which can also mean cool, fashion, or wealthy.

Another example is the word sick. Typically, this words describes someone who is ill or feeling unwell. In slang terms, sick refers to something being cool or excellent.



In addition, there is also Orthography, which is changes in abbreviations, dropped letters, and numbers. With the internet nowadays, we tend to spell words differently, or use different symbols differently as their interpret meaning.

For example, some people use numbers to replace letters.This is known as leetspeak, and it means using numbers that can be ‘identified’ as letters. For example, a could be @, E could be 3, Skate could be SK8, etc.

There are also changes in letters, in which sometimes letters are dropped or left our for convince. When one is communicating online, it’s drastically different from talking in person, or in a formal email. One might spell words differently, like “u” instead of “you”. It’s all to common nowadays, and we tend to not notice it. After all, who’s going to follow grammar rules in informal writing?



Next up is grammar, and boy has everything changed.

To start, there is punctuation. For example, many people, including myself tend to put quotation marks on certain words to emphasize their meaning. This doesn’t mean someone is saying something, it just exaggerated the words and tells people that the word could be ironic, or a different meaning.

For example, some people may say technology is “hurting” our society and our interactions with other people. Hurting would be in quotations because it’s the main topic, and the person is debating where it is true or not.

Dropped letters and punctuation is another way of communicating. For example, some users might type ‘didnt’ instead of ‘didn’t’ or ‘youre’ instead of ‘you’re’. Since it’s an informal style of language, it doesn’t really matter.


Finally, we have style, which is similar to grammar.

Capitals are a key aspect of internetese, and it’s no wonder why. We’re just too lazy to capatilize letters. Like who want’s to hold the shift key and capitalize the first letter in a sentence and proper places, nouns, etc? Despite it being an easy task, many view it as a tedious process. By not capitalizing letters, we view one’s personality as lazy and casual.


We can also change our tone of language not only through word choice, but also through excess or lack of punctuation. Continuing with my previous points, punctuation can alter a way a thought is written. For example, periods convey a serious tone, while an ongoing sentence conveys an excess of ideas and a casual tone.


Also, how could a forget to mention about words being in ALL CAPS. ALL CAPS convey a feeling of anger and frustration. That’s why you shouldn’t TYPE LIKE THIS unless you’re mad at someone or like reading big blocks of text.

Users can also capitalize more letters To Emphasize And Grab A Reader’s Attention. It’s mainly used for emphasize and for effect.


One thing before I wrap up, is that in addition to the PowerPoint and the lesson in class, Tom Scott has a video titled  “why typing like this is sometimes okay.” This video outlines many things in this post, and I recommend you check him out.



In conclusion, people have drastically changed the way users communicate online, through abbreviations, dropped letters, punctuation, and much more. And while I see this as a ‘easier’ way to communicate, it might also mean that grammar rules might lose their meaning. While it’s fun and easier to communicate in the ‘modern’ way, it’s important to retain the structure of English literature and what that has brought us.

Works Cited

Microsoft Teams. https://teams.microsoft.com/_#/apps/66aeee93-507d-479a-a3ef-8f494af43945/sections/classroom. Accessed 16 June 2022.
Why Typing like This Is Sometimes Okay.www.youtube.com, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS4X1JfX6_Q. Accessed 16 June 2022.


Why California is Implementing a Bill to “Alleviate” Social Media Addiction

Ah, social media. I’ve seen many posts, stories, and articles regarding social media addiction. It is one of the most widespread and well-known things in the 21st century. Since the begging of the century, social media has taken society to a whole new level. Some argue that it has a positive outcome. Others said it’s like a widespread wildfire and that our generation would become addicted. Despite all of this, this bill is on a whole new level, and I’m going to tell you why.



What is the Bill?

This bill suggests that parents could outright sue social media companies for up to $25,000 per violation because they are “harming children.” The bill is called Assembly Bill 2408, and they plan to implement it to children under 18 to prevent addiction. Interestingly, this won’t apply to streaming services, e-mail or text messaging.


Who came up with the Bill?

The Bill was suggested by the California State Assembly on Monday, May 13, 2022, and it was regarding social media concerns. It was recently announced so it doesn’t have too many voices and opinions that support or backlash against it. Note that this only applies to California, not the whole United States.


How did it arise and what does it mean to be addicted?

This is the definition of addiction stated by the California State Assembly:

“A preoccupation or obsession with, or withdrawal or difficulty to cease or reduce use of, a social media platform despite the user’s desire to cease or reduce that use (which) causes or contributes to physical, mental, emotional, developmental, or material harms to the user.”

They’re basically implying that social media could cause problems to one’s health and that they don’t have any leverage or control over it.

Just think about this for a second.

Bill co-author Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo County), a member of the California State Assembly exercised that “The era of unfettered social experimentation on children is over and we will protect kids.” Supposedly, they mentioned that the bill must become law, no matter what.

The court also stated addiction rates among kids and teens, and how it’s getting out of control. Because of this, the California State Assembly decided to commit an unusual decision to allow parents to sue companies for children’s addiction.


Will this Bill work/alleviate social media concerns?

I understand the concept and intention of this bill, but I have no belief that this is going to become effective. In my opinion, this bill would just complicate things because there are so many imperfections and factors that determine “social media addiction.” It could be time spent, how it affects their brain, how it affects their life, etc. Plus, there are countless articles and blogs out there that can help alleviate the situation.


In other words, this bill won’t alleviate social media concerns because it would just hurt companies, cause confusion, and exploitation would occur. For example, a low-income parent could sue a company because they want the money. Many parents could sue companies just for the cash. In fact, it could increase social media usage so parents to sue companies more than anticipated. This is known as the cobra effect, and it’s proved that solutions to this actually make the problem worse.


Is this bill feasible and realistic?

This situation reminds me of one that happened at the beginning of the decade. It’s about YouTube and its terms of service. Near the end of 2019, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) sued YouTube for violating users’ privacy. Do you know what it was? Collecting data. Yep, COPPA argued that YouTube was collecting data through its algorithm and demanded millions of dollars in compensation. The situation was widespread, and many people argued against them. This bill is just like that one. It strives to hurt businesses and corporations in exchange for protecting children online. It just isn’t going to work out because of one main reason: exceptions.

There is another thing I would like to mention: that this also applies to adults’.

Studies have shown that adults are equally as addicted and stuck to their screens as kids, and there is no denying that.

Thus, this bill isn’t realistic because of its vagueness, and another solution must be found.


Will this bill hurt social media companies?

Yes, definitely. This bill will certainly hurt social media companies, even though they didn’t intend it. A company paying $25,000 in compensation is just absurd. No company, no matter their net worth, should be sued this much. As this doesn’t even mention the court and attorney fees. Who’s going to pay that? And how would the argument be committed? The company would have to prevent evidence backing up its claim, and they may not have that. Plus, the person suing the company would also have to go through a difficult process. The evidence would be complicated and there would be a lot of exceptions and regulations.

On the other hand, I will agree that social media companies try to harness the utmost attention as they can, by providing you with target ads, videos, and posts. But that doesn’t mean they are responsible for today’s addiction. It’s not the company that needs to change, it’s us.


So what are my thoughts/my ideas for a proposed solution?


In my opinion, this bill is completely unrealistic and problematic. As I discussed earlier, I understand what technology is doing to our society and generating. I truly do. But technology is a privilege, not a right. Our parents had the right to give us technology and for us to access social media. We learned and interpret things online. And while some people support it, others disagree. And I truly understand. But this is not the way to do it. It just isn’t.

So what are my ideas to resolve this issue?

I believe that we should teach children and our generations the dangers and consequences of technology before letting them scour social media. We should be discussing and promoting ways to utilize technology safely and effectively. Plus, the court system is very vague and isn’t very clear on what could be reported.


In conclusion, I felt very weirded out after reading this bill regarding social media usage. Instead of going through this confusion, teaching our kids and today’s generation is the best way to use social media to it’s greatest potential. Social media has net positives: we just need to use it correctly.

Works Cited

Bill Text – AB-2408 Child Users: Addiction. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2408. Accessed 2 June 2022.
Shares, 155, and 440 Reads. “California Bill Allows Parents To Sue For Child’s Social Media Addiction.” Search Engine Journal, 26 May 2022, https://www.searchenginejournal.com/california-bill-allows-parents-to-sue-for-childs-social-media-addiction/451807/.
“Social Media: How Might It Be Regulated?” BBC News, 12 Nov. 2020. www.bbc.com, https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54901083.


Creating a Name Animation in Animate

This is my second assignment in using Adobe Animate, and this time out task was to create a animation of our name! The short sequence would include our first name with the letters moving around, supposedly “bringing them to life.”

This project was a lot of fun, and I got a clearer insight and understanding of the mechanics and functions of the app.

Here as a mp4 file of my animation.


Here is another animation I made, just trying out different formats and animations sequences.

Thank you for reading and try giving Adobe Animate a try if you find this interesting!

How I Designed a Logo

This is an interesting assignment because I was asked to make a logo for a client. I have never done this before, so it was both challenging and exciting at the same time. I also got to know about Adobe Illustrator and how it’s used and its purpose. With that out of the way, here is a logo I made for my client.

Below is a PDF of my final logo.

My Logo

As I worked on this project, not only did I learn how to create a logo, but also how to use Adobe Illustrator. 

 My Client’s Requests

I created three logos, and I decided to explain my final product and how it fulfills my client’s expectations and suggestions. Among all my designs, this logo was the most interesting to me.

My “client” had a few suggestions and interests they’d like in their logo. Firstly, the logo was supposed to be in a shape with their initials on it. The logo would represent one of his hobbies and interests which were: hockey, skiing, running, going outside, science, sports, and science. Based on this, I decided to make a logo about snowboarding.


So How Did I Make My Logo?

Making a logo might seem difficult, but it’s not that hard once you get the hang of it. Obviously, people who are more artistic and open-minded about arts might have a head start, but it’s simple when following these steps.

First, think of the purpose of the logo? Who/what is it for? Second, sketch out your logo. You can scour the web to find designs you’d like. Consider the layout and design of your logo. After sketching, upload the image into Adobe Illustrator and click on image trace. Choose a setting you’d like, then expand and ungroup the parts. Play around with them by adjusting the thickness and adding colours and strokes. 

By adding various adjustments and altering certain parts, you can drastically change the outcome and bring the logo to life. Try out different settings and see which one works best for you.

Ending Thoughts

This project was actually quite enjoyable and different among other assignments, and even though I’m not an artist, I enjoyed using Adobe Illustrator to create designs. I would definitely recommend this project to anyone who is intereset in design, or would just like to try something new.



My Magazine Cover

This is my magazine cover, as part of my Digital Communications 11 Assignment.

My Magazine Cover


Works Cited

Landscape Scenery Raw Cliff – Google Search. https://www.google.com/search?q=landscape+scenery+raw+cliff&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi2h73dr6P3AhVkIn0KHcXeA2wQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=landscape+scenery+raw+cliff&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1D4Alj2CGDXCWgAcAB4AIABZYgBwQKSAQM2LjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=nV5gYvZE5MT0A8W9j-AG&bih=657&biw=1366&rlz=1C1GCEB_enCA1001CA1001#imgrc=oxlEwvAFScxfEM. Accessed 25 Apr. 2022.



How Filters and Adjustments can Enhance your Photoshop Project

Photoshop is a common image editing software that many designers use. In this project, I edited an existing photo using filters and adjustments. Even though it may seem simple, photoshop has a lot to offer other than changing the lighting or saturation of an image.

Our project was to add five layers and manipulate them to create a “different” image.

Original Image:


Edited Image:


What is the Adjustment Feature?

The adjustment feature in Photoshop allows users to add filters and enhance their images. For me, I haven’t payed much attention to this tool because it’s not as obvious as the other tools. When editing, most people would probably navigate the left sidebar and find an adjustment they’d like to add. Most of the filters I used were accessible by clicking the small circle on the bottom right, then choosing a filter I’d like to apply.


In conclusion, one can enhance and can make a drastic change to photos by just using features. It’s insane to think that this is only one of many tools one can explore. This feature can improve your images in numerous ways, and everyone should at least try it. Despite being simple, it can drastically affect the outcome of one’s photos.


Works Cited

Says, Dedezoomsalot. Growing Zinderella Zinnias in the Cut Flower Garden —. 28 Aug. 2019, https://freshcutky.co/2019/08/28/growing-zinderella-zinnias-in-the-cut-flower-garden/.






How to Relieve Traffic Infographic

In our modern society, mostly everyone is affected by traffic. Even if you don’t commute by car, you’ve probably seen it everywhere and it seems to be getting worse. Thus, I decided to create an infographic on reasons why traffic is so severe, and how it can be alleviated.


A PDF of my infographic


In conclusion, there are no simple ways to reduce traffic.  Even if we do encourage most people to use public transport or ask city designers to implement better solutions, there will always be problems. For now, we just have to stick to the modern way we live in, and learn to overcome it day by day.

The Benefits and Complexities In Commentating


As the world becomes more integrated into computer technology, there are many ways to communicate. In just a few decades, we’ve seen the evolvement of videos, images, posts, and more. Whereas blogging may not be the top contributor, it still has its own advantages and complications.

Personally, I believe blogging is a great way to convey our thoughts and ideas in a professional manner, but there are many concerns about posting things on the Internet. In this blog post, I will discuss my opinions on the pros and cons of blogging.

How We Convey Information

Blogging is sort of like expanding on an idea, where you can delve into topics and ideas without creating visuals. The writing of an article is similar to that of an essay, except the structure is more flexible and you do not have to follow a set pattern. 


The Point Of Comments

Commenting is a major part of blogging, although not everybody agrees with it. Some people believe that commenting is a great way to interact with others and discuss the pros and cons of your blog. While sometimes this can be true, others argue that commenting encourages and creates negativity and hate to the blogger and other commenters. I understand both points of view and their arguments, but I have more explanation and reasoning as to why both of them are both good and bad.

For a blogger, comments are an excellent way to interact with their audience. Comments can go either way, but they’re basically a major part of a blog post.


The Positives In Commentating

Clip Art Smiley Face Microsoft | Clipart Panda - Free Clipart Images | Happy smiley face, Smiley, Laughing smiley face


  1. Commentating encourages engagement and discussion.

After a visitor reads your blog, they might make a comment or to discussing their thoughts on it. Other people may respond and share their own opinions. With this, the blogger can view them and make adjustments to their blog, or perhaps get suggestions for future improvement.


2. Enabling the comment section can also lure readers to spend more time on your blog.

If readers linger on your post more, it can drive up visits and perhaps earn more ad revenue. This is both good for the blogger and the commentator.

3. Commenters can provide feedback and areas of improvement

You may get new ideas to elaborate on, or suggestions for your articles. This is helpful for gaining more views and perhaps revenue.


The Negatives In Commentating

Negative comment - Free communications icons


1. Spam

Some blogs disable commentating because it can lead to people spamming their comment section. Some readers may read the first part of your blog, then scroll down to the comment section to see other people’s opinions. If they see a bunch of spam, it may discourage them and stop reading the blog altogether. This also makes your blog look unprofessional and disorganized, which can make leave a bad impression.


2. Negativity

Many trolls will probably comment rude and’ disturbing text on your blog, and it is painful to report and block them considering they could just make another account. Plus, a reader might click off if they see trash talk in the comment section, assuming it’s unprofessional

 3. Time

This point isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can be very unproductive. If you plan on enabling comments, try to prioritize them and read a few, otherwise, it’s a waste of time.


The “Easy Way Out”

When asked about the negatives of commentating, some people may ask “Why not just stop blogging altogether? If you don’t like being criticized, just don’t do it. There are two major problems with this.”

To begin with, I’ll discuss the group of people who would rather not present our blogs to online commenters. If you don’t write a blog, then nothing will happen. Simple as that. Your ideas won’t be shared and you won’t have something to do.

Also, we interact with others on an everyday basis. Blogging is just like interacting with others, except it’s done digitally. We all know the dangers of using the dangers unsafely, but it’s just like the same as talking face-to-face.


Dealing with Trolls

Commentating can also lead to negativity. Many trolls will probably comment rude and disturbing text on your blog, and it is painful to report and block them considering they could just make another account.

It’s also important to discuss why someone may be a troll. Usually, trolls are people who are angry, frustrated, or having a bad day and want to vent their anger out on someone. They usually have no purpose in doing this besides making the blogger as mad as possible.

When it comes down to this, it leads to how you, the blogger, react and respond to this. There are various ways to respond, but mainly just don’t respond to them. If you don’t send hate messages to them, they’ll eventually get bored and move on.

Note that it’s still your responsibility to deal with these trolls and remove their comments. If you’re not ready for that possibility, then I suggest turning off commenting.




Like I said before, there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes down to commentating. it is your choice and it depends on your comfort level. I’ve seen many posts, images, and videos before where presenters have various stages in their comfortability level. Some don’t allow commenting, some don’t mind when faced with a swarm of trolls.

If you believe that comments don’t bring value and purpose, then disable them. If you think they improve your site and bring value, then keep them.


Works Cited


“Clip Art Smiley Face Microsoft | Clipart Panda – Free Clipart Images | Happy Smiley Face, Smiley, Laughing Smiley Face.” Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/151363237452559331/. Accessed 25 Feb. 2022.
Free Happy Faces, Download Free Happy Faces Png Images, Free ClipArts on Clipart Library. http://clipart-library.com/happy-faces.html. Accessed 25 Feb. 2022.
G, Lorri. “5 Reasons Major Sites Should Bring Back Comment Sections.” TurboFuture, https://turbofuture.com/internet/5-Reasons-Major-Sites-Should-Bring-Back-Comment-Sections. Accessed 25 Feb. 2022.
“Negative Comment Free Icons Designed by Freepik.” Flaticon, https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/negative-comment_2206415. Accessed 25 Feb. 2022.
“The Dangers of Posting Critical Comments Online.” Ethics Sage, https://www.ethicssage.com/2020/08/the-dangers-of-posting-critical-comments-online.html. Accessed 25 Feb. 2022.
“—.” Ethics Sage, https://www.ethicssage.com/2020/08/the-dangers-of-posting-critical-comments-online.html. Accessed 25 Feb. 2022.
Why Should You Disable Comments On WordPress Blog? Pros & Cons To Consider – WPDeveloper. 20 May 2021, https://wpdeveloper.com/why-should-you-disable-comments-on-wordpress-blog-pros-cons-to-consider/.
















various ways we could improve

My Animated GIF


This is my GIF, created using PowerPoint. GIFs are common in social media, stickers and reactions. In this blog post, I will explain what is a GIF, their purpose and how you can create one.



This is a GIF I created using PowerPoint.


What is a GIF?

The term “GIF” stands for Graphics Interchange Format which is a short animation composed of many similar image files. They are a string of similar images that create subtle changes throughout the animation. GIFs are different from videos because they don’t incorporate the same features. Videos are longer and smoother whereas GIFs are more cost shorter and choppy.


When are GIFs used?

Typically, GIFs are used in blogging, social media and instant messaging. They are also useful for clipart, logos, and reactions. As a substitute for words, they can convey feelings and emotions.


How I created my GIF

There are various ways to create a GIF, like using photoshop, Adobe AfterEffects or another GIF website, but I made mine using Microsoft PowerPoint.

  1. Open a black presentation
  2. Insert the images you’d like to use
  3. Slightly alter the images to create a short animation
  4. Click File > Export > Create an Animated GIF and choose your preferred settings
  5. Download


In conclusion, a GIF is a simple way to create a small animation using a string of images. Even though they may be simple, GIFs are a great way to convey thoughts, ideas and enhance images.



Words Cited

FAVPNG.com. “Ping Pong Paddles & Sets Racket Tennis Clip Art – PNG – Download Free.” FAVPNG.Com, https://favpng.com/png_view/ping-pong-ping-pong-paddles-sets-racket-tennis-clip-art-png/Ayy4Yvef. Accessed 22 Feb. 2022.
Unsplash. Ping Pong Ball Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/s/photos/ping-pong-ball. Accessed 22 Feb. 2022.








How To Use the MS Draw Feature To Enhance Your Document


Microsoft Word is an essential and critical tool for everyday life. The app offers many features that allow us to enhance our writing. Some useful useful, while others don’t have much purpose. There are also several features that we rarely or improperly use. In this blog post, I’ll discuss how to use the draw option effectively and how it can add to your document.


What is the draw feature?

We’ve all seen the different tabs in Microsoft words, and probably came across the draw feature. Perhaps we didn’t pay much attention it since it’s not really applicable for a word document. When drawing, we can simply use Photoshop or do it by hand. Despite its lacking necessities, there are various powerful ways it can capture a reader’s attention and make the document more appealing. I will show you a step-by-step guide on the various draw features, and how each one has its own advantages.


How to Draw in Microsoft Word

What does the draw feature have to offer?

To start, open the document or make a new one. Make sure the document is opened in the desktop app, otherwise this feature won’t be visible. Next, navigate to the top bar and click on the Draw option.

You will now be presented with various options. I will explain their differences, similarities and the purpose.


The cursor

This option is pretty self-explanatory, but it allows the use to select objects such as text areas, ink and shapes. It’s useful when editing text, moving the cursor, changing the ink settings, or just resizing.


How to use it:

  1. Navigate to the draw tab.

2. Click on the cursor option.


3. Click on any text or ink you’d want to adjust/make changes to.


The Lasso

Ink can be selected by drawing a shape using the Lasso tool. It’s useful when grouping two pieces of ink together and making adjustments. Note that this only applies to ink, not pictures, shapes, etc.

  1. Click on the Draw option as previously mentioned

  1. Click on the Lasso option


  1. Using the lasso tool, select the pieces of ink you’d like adjustments/modifications


Note: the ink will have a white outline when selected by the lasso tool


The Eraser

This is again quite clear, but it allows you to erase ink. Note that erasing abolishes all of the ink within the frame, so only erase where necessary.

1. Click on the eraser tool

2. Erase the ink you want to get rid of


The Pens

This tool allows you to draw on your document. Using this tool requires some precision and practice, so its better to switch to tablet mode if you’re on a windows laptop.

1. Select one of the pen options

2. Click the small arrow for more options and choose one



The Highlighter

Unlike the regular highlighter, this tool lets you choose where to highlight. For example, you can highlight a picture that normally wouldn’t normally be highlightable. Likewise with the pens, you can scale and readjust your highlights.

The Action Pen

This tool is similar to the Lasso, except it can also select images, text, highlights, and much more. Its useful for selecting many different items, not just ink.


Using The Draw Feature For Other Purposes

Throughout my classes, I noticed some of my teachers used the draw feature on MS to enhance their classes. It is a simple, yet effective method of delivering information. For example, my math teacher took notes on the PDF, as if we were writing them. This is a huge time saver. Overall, the draw feature is like an online version of making additional touches to your work in an efficient and timely manner.



In conclusion, I find the draw feature of MS to be very underrated and underrated. There are lots of ways this feature can improve your documents, and I believe everyone should give it a try. Even though it may be simple, it is sueful for drawing, coloring, altering pictures and text.



Stockton, Ben. “How to Draw in Microsoft Word.” GroovyPost, 23 Apr. 2020, https://www.groovypost.com/howto/draw-in-microsoft-word/.