Image of Impact





This is an image of nature. Nature has so much to offer, whether it’s the trails, trees, lakes, cliffs, etc. It’s a great way to relax when you’re stressed out about something. Sometimes I enjoy hiking, sometimes I just enjoy the view and beauty it brings. My favourite part is the view if you’re hiking on a mountain– it’s so vast and uncomplicated. Nature was here before us humans came along- to destroy it and cause air pollution.


Image Cite:  

Favourite YouTube Clip

This is my favorite YouTube clip as part of assignment #1. This video speaks out to me because it’s so unique and original. Like who would of thought someone would play a song with two pianos? It’s different, but the originality is the key point that makes it good. 


Video Cite:


Meaningful Quote

This is my meaningful quote as part of assignment #1 


“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” 

-Bill Gates 


Whenever I get mad over a homework assignment or group project, this quote calls out to me. 


This quote best describes to no matter how you react to assignments, work, school, etc., you need to get it done at some point. So, when I need to complete an assignment I don’t want to do, I think of this quote, along with, “Do I want to do this the lazy way, or put some effort into it?” Because no matter how I react or complain, I need to get it done. 


Whenever I get frustrated in a group project because no one expects me does their work, I also think of this quote. It’s also funny how to see a lazy person’s reaction when they have work to do and how they get around it.  



Quote Cite: