Image of Impact

The reason I chose this picture is because of how significantly it impacted me when I first looked at it. How I processed the image in my head was the fact that you should not take things for granted and should always give when you can. As you can see in the image, a man with many umbrellas is shielding himself from the rain whilst the second man has none and is being drenched in rain. But although the man on the right has more than enough umbrellas to share, he isn’t even looking at the man or considering the fact that he could share one of his many umbrellas with the poor man. I feel like the message this image is trying to portray is that we should always be grateful for what we have and not be ignorant of the fact that we have enough to share with others in need. I think that my thoughts about this picture may give people the impression that I’m a very observant person. However, I disagree. There are definitely many things I am ignorant about as well. I’d like to work on this and eventually be able to know when to help and how to help others.

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