App Development

What does your App do?

My app is called Too many tabs (TMT). This app is designed to help and reduce the amount of tabs on your device. Too Many Tabs comes with various outputs – the Tab Assistant, the Tab Box, and more. The Tab Assistant is a virtual assistant that organizes your web browser tabs. Your Tab Assistant sends notifications whenever you go over the recommended limit of tabs, find duplicate tabs, and tabs that have not been opened for more than 10  minutes. Your Tab Box is a drop-down library of active tabs. With the Tab Box, you can easily manage, sort,
search, and delete selected tabs with a click of your keyboard.

What parts of the design process did you use in this project?

In this project I used defining, ideating, testing, and sharing. As in this project I defined a problem and ideated a solution to the problem that was caused. Once creating my idea, I tested it. The problem was solved with this app (TMT).I shared it with others and received feedback, which was positive.


What are you most proud of?

The most proudest thing I am proud about this project, is the way the poster turned out. It is creative, colorful and eye catching. As well ,as the descriptions.  The dedication and hard- work me and my panther put in, is also something I am most proud of. I want others to recognize that hard work pays off, sooner then later:)


Too Many Tabs-2[980].pdf

ICT9 and Core Competency Predictions

Communicating See the source image

I believe we have already practiced some communicating in these few days in ICT9. We can contribute more by sharing our ideas, team meetings and communicating on devices, such as our shared groups. Some predictions I have are we will mainly use Microsoft, Edublog  and do group projects in our personal shared groups. Which will make us communicate with our peers.


See the source image

I predict we will do mostly big group assignments to assess how  much we are capable to work together. In the time period of being online, I believe we will be split up and be peered with people in much smaller groups.

Creative Thinking

See the source image

I think we will be trying to be very creative, since being creative is an important skill and we try to be. We will practice and devolve our creativity on technology. Whether  its about learning or for a assignment.

Critical Thinking and Reflective Thinking

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Having and practicing critical thinking and reflecting thinking is a huge skill and trait for students. As students we use this skill in our future life and through out our school years. I am not perfect at most of theses  core competency but with that it causes growth, by reflecting and thinking how I can improve.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

See the source image

I believe personal awareness and responsibility will be used a during homework and being hybrid. As well as, being very useful in this type of time and in general. Not only for work but, for wiping devices, sanitizing, and wearing a mask.

Positive Personal and Cultural Identity

See the source image

I believe we have already practiced about positive personal and cultural identity by the “about me”. I predict we will communicate, do assignments and do much more. Not only telling others about our identity but also learning.

Social Awareness and Responsibility

See the source image

This is a very important core competency and being aware of the events taking place. Taking responsibility for yourself and for others. I predict we will do this  as a natural trait/thing.


Image Citations

NOT the originator of these images!

Communicating – Bing images

Collaborating – Bing images

Creative Thinking – Bing images

Critical Thinking and Reflective Thinking – Bing images

Personal Awareness and Responsibility – Bing images

Positive Personal and Cultural Identity – Bing images

Social Awareness and Responsibility – Bing images

Digital Footprint

My digital footprint can affect any opportunities in the future.  when you want to apply for a job, trying to volunteer, or even extra curricular things such as, leadership clubs. If you want to apply to volunteer somewhere, they will look at your digital footprint. If you have any inappropriate things they wouldn’t consider having you volunteer. If you have propriate things they will consider you.

See the source image

There are 7 billion people in the world, and that doesn’t  mean no one will find about you. Anyone can track you! Giving information or talking to strangers is the most ridiculous thing. One’s digital footprint can lead to many things. Posting a picture will be saved on the internet for every, even if you don’t have the ability to see it.

See the source image– I am not the originator of this  image/content

Having a strong password or even, using the password that is given is good. Having a  complex password and using different passwords for websites or social media, can keep your digital footprint  safe. Setting  security questions like where were you born or what is your dream job, can help you not get hacked. Before accepting cookies make sure the website is secured and safe. Look if  its .com, org etc. It will give you a better hint if the website is safe or not. Making your social media account private is also a big one!

See the source imageThe definition of  digital permanence “Digital permanence refers to the techniques used to anticipate and then meet the expected lifetime of data stored in digital media.”  – not my words. Digital permanence is like a pen that is unable to go away. You can’t white out everything in your digital footprint. Neither can you pay people to remove your history. Your digital footprint is everything you  leave behind as you use the internet and social media. Such as messages, calls, email records. comments etc..





Live my digital for students: Digital footprint—Youtube. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2020, from

MaryS. (2017, December 14). 10 things to do in order to keep your password safe. LogMeOnce Blog.

Verhulst, S. (2019, February 13). Achieving digital permanence. The Living Library.

What is a digital experience? | liferay. (2020, August 5).



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See the source imageThis quote is very significant part of my life. As when I was in grade 6, trying to find a quote for a project. I came across this exact quote. This quote has been used and abused for a long amount of time. This quote is always a good reminder to always push your self even, at those hard times. This actively illustrates that, that life will get better, not now but it will in the end.

I am not the originator of this quote/content

Impact of technology

 isn’t this image just so accurate about how we live and how the world works around us. Technology has impacted everyone since covid-19 and before. It has impacted me as a human-being, as well as even changed people. Parents are so busy with work, which technology has become more of a distraction in life. To sum up everything that has been stated, technology is taking over the world. In a ethical way as well as a substandard way.

I am not the originator of this image/content

My favorite YouTube video

The first 2020 Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is my favorite YouTube video. It brings out my deep affection for American  politics since 2017. Donald Trump is a prime example for this case, the reason for this occurrence  is that he is a  significant “talker”. Joe Biden is a outstanding person. He shows his love and, passion for taking the role of becoming Americas next president. This actively illustrates why the Presidential debate is my favorite YouTube video.

I am not the originator of the content


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