October 18

My favourite Quote

Image result for motivational quotes

This is my favourite quote because it motivates me to endure the pain and keep moving. Sometimes, you just have to suck it up. When you fight through that pain, there is always a satisfying result in the end. After reading this quote, I was able to fight the pain and get the satisfaction of finishing my tasks and getting over my set backs. Before reading this quote, I felt like I was never understood, never appreciated, and had the worst life out of all my peers. I was soft and weak minded. Now, I am able to face my obstacles, and fight through them, and this helped me accomplish many goals.


Image resource:https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjeluWjp6XlAhUBNn0KHTQwCeIQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmotivationping.com%2Fquotes%2F&psig=AOvVaw3apbuU7OwKTpERclCWKIkM&ust=1571470804823085

October 16

My favourite image

Image result for kawhi leonard the shot

This is my favourite image. To some people, it maybe just a basketball player shooting a ball. However, for me, this shot made history. this was Kawhi Leonard, an NBA all star, attempting to beat the buzzer and send the Raptors deep in to the playoffs. The score was tied, and the shot-clock was counting down. He had to make this shot or the Raptors would have ended their season with another disappointing loss. He shot the ball, and the it bounced around the rim, and everything seemed like a movie scene. It bounced 4 times before going in. Then the crowd erupted. This was the first time in many years that the Raptors would be going to the Easter conference Finals! For me, it was amazing to see this kind of once in a life time buzzer-beater go in on live television. This picture also signifies how everything is possible, because the Raptors had a lot of doubters around them, and they had to go up against much stronger teams after this round. However, they were able to fight through and win the championship. For that reason, this picture makes me motivated, no matter the number of doubters that are in my way. With this mindset, I’ll be able to achieve any goal i want


Image resource: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjpiN_Nt6XlAhXaJzQIHbDKBWwQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2019%2F05%2F12%2Fsports%2Fnba-playoffs-trail-blazers-nuggets-sixers-raptors.html&psig=AOvVaw1RdEA69Pgj4ty_qPLxQTUg&ust=1571475239234841

October 15

My favourite video

This video above is my favourite video because it motivates me to become a better basketball player, and give in everything I’ve got. Many of these players were faced with heart breaking losses and devastating injuries. Even their most devoted fans were wondering if they could ever achieve greatness again. However, they fought back every challenge they faced, even if it meant giving in everything they’ve got. These players were able to prove their doubters wrong, and even win championships. Not only is those this video become motivated in basketball, I can also use the same mentality in other aspects of my life, and become a better, and hard working human being in the future.


Video resource: https://youtu.be/olLCokQl9rs