Science Quote

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster that society gather wisdom” ~ Isaac Asimov

This is a very true statement. Isaac Asimov in this quote has just explained the world to us. In our world, during this time, the knowledge of science is developing way faster than humans and our wisdom. For example, the technology of AI is developing incredibly fast and they can out grow humans easily. There was a scientific experiment where it showed the AI playing tag. The AIs learnt how to hide through human commands and everything was normal, until when the AI learnt itself something that wasn’t expected. It shows that the speed AIs can learn by themselves show that humans can be quickly replaced by AI. Unfortunately, the society, with competition and money and lack of wisdom, has caused companies to compete for the smartest AI, and it could mean that that AI would be smarter than humans in which it will take over the position of humans. This is a reason for why science is developing much faster than the wisdom of humans.

Image result for isaac asimov

“35 Years Ago, Isaac Asimov Was Asked by the Star to Predict the World of 2019. Here Is What He Wrote | The Star.” Thestar.Com, Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.

(Image From This Source)

Winter Market Reflection

          We had over the course of a few weeks, made a business and sold our products last week at the Winter Market. We sold coasters at the market. I was working with a classmate named Bruce Chen for this assignment. We did this project because it is part of the course, but we did this assignment/project for the experience of running a business and marketing products to people. This will come in handy in the future if I do want to become an entrepreneur. And now we understand more information about being an entrepreneur and we sold quite well in the market, meaning that what we were doing and our strategies were fine.

          The academic concept of math became apparent and also English, as we did have to have a writing portion of the assignment. We utilized it as we had to use math to calculate the costs and the revenue of our business and have the numbers handed in. During the sale, we realized that we had competition and they were selling for cheaper, and we had to market harder and sell it for even cheaper. Marketing our product harder like saying to our customers and showing them that our coasters were water-resistant. I would think this experience wasn’t too different from my initial expectations, as I’ve done something similar to this in elementary school. We also through our survey saw if people wanted to buy our product and it showed us that not everyone was interested in our product. Sure enough, not everyone bought our product.

          I learnt that marketing skills are more important than having a good product. We learnt this by trying to outsell the other coaster company(s) and we ended up selling quite a lot because we used our marketing skills. This matters because in the future if I want to be an entrepreneur, I can use this experience to help myself do better in the real world, and it should be done in the future by understanding what worked for other groups and ut that information and use it myself.

          Communication was used in the assignment as we needed to communicate with others (group project) and we also had to use our communication skills to sell our product to other people.

          Creative Thinking was used when we were first thinking of what products we wanted to sell, and we had to use our creative thinking in new ways, creative ways in order to know how to sell and market our products to others.

The Quote

 “Life is not fair; get used to it.” ~Bill Gates

This is my favourite quote because it is true, life isn’t fair, there’s the poor and the rich, the people who have clean water and the people who don’t. The world is a place where nobody will help and support a person for their entire life, so how a person lives depends on themselves: if they live a life they wanted, then they deserved it. With being said, this quote from who I consider to successful makes me work harder so I can live a life I want, and I hope everybody will live a life they want.

The Image

This is my favourite photo, as it shows that it really takes everything to be at the top and to be successful. Many people that see the success of people say that it’s not fair because… However, people complaining at the bottom don’t realize what it really takes to be at the top. This photo also makes me work harder to achieve my goals and trying to be successful in the future.

The Video (This video may contain swear words)

This is my favourite video. This isn’t the highest quality, and definitely isn’t the best creation by this YouTuber, but this is one of the first videos uploaded by PewDiePie. PiewDiePie is the second most subscribed YouTuber currently with over 100 million subscribers, and I consider him to be very successful in his career. This video is my favourite because it shows that everybody starts somewhere and everybody can become successful.