my digital footprint

Reflect on your own digital footprint. Google yourself, what do you find? Try to picture how your footprint comes across to others. Please write what you find out.

I only find other Louise Hos when I search my name on Google. There seems to be nothing on me as far as I could see. However, if I look up my Instagram handle, a post by Ducks Volleyball Club where they have tagged me in the caption shows up. Just from Google searches, my digital footprint looks clean, and I would imagine that it would appear that way to others as well.

A screenshot of my Google search.


How might your digital footprint affect your personal brand and future opportunities for post-secondary? How might it affect your job prospects? Why is it so important to be aware of one’s digital footprint?

My digital footprint could affect me either positively or negatively depending on what I do with it. It is so easy for potential employers, friends, and family to view my online tracks, whether that may be through a simple Google search or look at my Instagram profile. It always affects others’ perceptions of me, and it is important that I ensure it is doing so in a way that benefits me and those around me. One picture of drugs at a party with my username tagged and it’s over for me. Of course, that’s on the extreme end and things like foul use of language are much more common issues. It is becoming more and more common for possible employers to look up one’s social media in order to see what type of person they are. It’s a quick and efficient way to rule out bad candidates, so I want to make sure I’m not so quickly tossed into the pile of rejectees. Finding a job is perhaps one of the most crucial things that a person will do, so making the most of that is extremely valuable and starts with a clean digital footprint. Nowadays, it is difficult to avoid not producing one at all, so keeping it built around a positive image of ourselves is vital. If my cards are played right, it can even raise my chances of being selected for a position. That is why digital footprints are so important.


Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe. Explain why each strategy is important or valuable. Explain how you would implement the strategy.

My first strategy is to think before I post. I already do this, especially on Instagram since it’s so easily accessible and public. By doing this, I can ensure that my personal brand remains positive and any future opportunities I may receive will not be affected in a harmful manner. I can also make sure private information stays private. Which leads me to my next strategy, double checking my privacy. I can make sure that everything I don’t want to share with the world is not shared like that. For example, only accepting follow requests of people who I know. I have accidentally accepted requests from those who I don’t know, so I can go through my followers list and remove anyone who may potentially be harmful. Lastly, I can keep my passwords secure. As of right now, I use the same few passwords for nearly everything. I can change this so they’re different then place them somewhere safe, in case somebody discovers my password to one account. I don’t want this to allow them to have access to all my accounts, as this could be very dangerous.


What is digital permanence? How would you explain the idea of digital permanence to younger kids? To your grandmother? To your teachers? Why should we care and be aware of this concept? (5 sentences minimum)

Digital permanence is a simple concept. It’s the idea that everything digital is never really erased, even if that’s how it appears on the surface. Anything that is put onto the internet is there forever, whether you like it or not. I think this explanation can be easily understood by anyone and everyone. We should care and be aware of this because it could affect our lives more than one might think, and if we’re conscious of what we do online then we can avoid any mistakes we might regret.×0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/erase-binary-data-yenwen-e-getty-images-56d054743df78cfb37b15127.jpg

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