My digital footprint

My Digital Footprint 

My Digital Footprint will have a huge effect on my post-secondary opportunities and my personal brand (what people think about me). This is mainly because post-secondary schools, such as universities or trade schools will look me up online before accepting me. In the future, what they find might determine whether I get accepted into that school or not. These school will most likely look me up on as many platforms as possible to determine what I’m like, in terms of attitude, likes, dislikes, traits, and skills. If they find rude or offensive content their they might decide not to accept me because they don’t trust me to represent their school in a positive way. So, would it be safer just not to have social media or any online presence? The answer is no. While my digital footprint and how I manage it might be what gets me not excepted, it also might be the thing to get me in, but only if I’m careful and make sure I don’t post anything hurtful or rude. They will also look at the size of my digital footprint. If it’s to big they might think I’m not fit for their school if I can’t manage my footprint. However, if they can’t find anything at all because my footprint is too small, they might not accept me just because they don’t know enough about me. 

In order to manage my digital footprint in the best way possible I need to have strategies to make sure my digital footprint is neither to big nor too small. First, I will make sure I don’t give out too much information about myself. This is for my own personal safety so that criminals can’t hack or stalk me. Post-secondary school won’t accept me if I can’t manage my own safety because they don’t want to have to look after and baby-sit me. Second, is to keep my digital footprint appropriate. Post-secondary schools won’t accept me if they find inappropriate content because they might think I’d create a bad reputation for the school. To be safe, I would just share the stuff that might not be appropriate with my friends that I trust to not share it. Finally, I’d post more positive content like cute animals or funny pictures. I would also voice my positive opinions in my posts. All this would lead the schools to think I’d be a great student to have at their school and that I’d improve their reputation instead of destroying it. 

The term digital permanence is crucial to managing your digital footprint. It means that anything you post online is their forever. You can do whatever you want to try and take it down, but it never actually fades. People can screenshot or screen record the content putting it permanently in their device. After that they have full power in controlling that content. They can post it whenever and wherever they want. The only way to avoid something embarrassing, rude, or offensive from getting out is to never post it in the first place. If you don’t post it nobody can access. If what you post is rude and offensive enough it could get you into trouble so always think before you post.