Meaningful Quote

“The best makeup is a smile. The best jewelry is modesty. The best clothing is confidence.” -Unknown

Ever since I read this quote, I have made it a goal for myself to follow its directions. I strongly agree with the opinion that our appearance isn’t what matters most, and we can always make a good impression by regulating our actions and behaviours instead of relying on fancy makeup or jewlery. I wasn’t able to find who wrote this quote, but I admire how they were able to express their ideas in such a simple but consuasive way to give the reader an impactful and profound thought on their everyday habits.

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Image of Impact

This is an image from the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969. This image is very impactful because it shows that we are able to achieve powerful dreams like sending human beings onto a foreign world. When I see this image, I feel proud and brave like anything is actually possible. It does not represent an event for only a single nation, but our species.

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Favourite YouTube Clip

My favorite video on Youtube is the Pi Song by AsapScience. I don’t usually watch Youtube for entertainment, and this was one of the more fun to watch videos I found in my history. This video would’ve been helpful for memorizing 100 digits of pi, but I enjoyed watching it because of the drawings and the tune. Another reason I picked this was because this video also has my favorite comment: “I know all the digits in pi… … Just not in order.”

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