✩Science Quotes✩

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

– Marie Curie (physicist and chemist, 1867 – 1934)


I agree with this quote, because I believe that our society is too afraid of climate change and everything else happening on our planet. Many people are focusing on being afraid or bracing themselves for the end of the world, but we should focus on trying to understand whats going on instead, or be researching how to stop it. If we use science to improve our understanding of whats happening, then we might be able to find ways that every one can help to stop it, and we can work together to stop pollution, therefore helping to stop climate change. The quote states that nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood, I think this is good advice for our society, because people are wasting their time being afraid, but everything could be less scary as long as we try to understand it. Overall, I agree with this quote because being afraid is one of society’s biggest weaknesses right now, and understanding is something that we really need more of.

Image: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1903/marie-curie/biographical/

✩Winter Market Reflection✩

        For the winter market, Amélie and I created a scrunchie and sticker business called Lovely Design Co. We chose to sell scrunchies because we know they are popular right now, and many people would buy them. Also, because I know how to make them and I enjoy doing it. We chose to make stickers because I have a mini sticker printer, and we thought it would be cool if people were able to get custom stickers that we can make for them on the spot. During the sale, there was one day where Amélie couldn’t come and I was very nervous to sell our products by myself because I am quieter than Amélie. But, I was able to step out of my comfort zone by talking to more people and telling them about our business, and it ended up being the day where we made the most revenue out of the entire week!

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           During the entire winter market project, we had to use many academic concepts, mainly from the subjects Math, Marketing, and English. We had to use our understanding of graphs to interpret the graphs made from the survey, and we had to count the money and subtract the costs of our business. We also had to use our persuasive writing skills in our Instagram posts to attract people’s attention, and reach new customers. Additionally, we had to use our Marketing skills to draw people towards our stand at the winter market by having an aesthetically pleasing table design and talking to everybody. When lots of people started showing up at our table, we had to devote our attention to them instead of drawing new people in, but other than that, we didn’t really have to change our approach. Overall, we successfully use these academic concepts to reach our high expectations and create a highly profitable business

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        This experience taught me how much work it is to create and maintain a business, and how hard business owners have to work. I learned to appreciate the effort being put into small and startup businesses every day. From making 170 scrunchies, I was able to get a glance at what it would be like to have my own business and how much work I would have to put in. Even though it was very difficult to make all our products and market them to everybody, I still had lots of fun during this product and it inspired me to maybe create my own business someday. If I could do anything different for this project, I would probably advertise our stickers more. Since our main product was the scrunchies, we didn’t tell people about our stickers as much and we ended up only selling one. If we had a better way of displaying our stickers and telling more people about them, I think we could’ve sold quite a few more, but then we might’ve sold fewer scrunchies. Overall, I think we did a pretty good job, and there’s not much I would’ve changed.

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               One Core Competency that I believe I demonstrated well is communication, because something I struggle with is not wanting to talk to people I don’t know, but I focused on trying to even though I didn’t want to. I also demonstrated creative thinking by coming up with a creative product and business. In general, I had lots of fun creating a business and I am very proud of what I achieved.