My Favourite Picture

Image result for country road meme

This is probably my favorite picture/meme of all time because I can definitely relate to this on a personal level, considering that it has happened to me on more than one occasion. No matter how much I dislike a song playing on the radio or from other devices, I always seem to sing along. It is extremely weird and really funny. There was this one time I was in the car and a song came on the radio. As far as my foggy memory serves me, I believe that it was “Hello” by Adele. Now, this was a few years ago and Adele wasn’t my favorite artist. However, I now jam with her songs 24/7. Long story short, I clearly stated how I didn’t like the song. Seconds later, I started singing the lyrics, word for word. My friends who were in the car at the time started laughing, followed by my parents. Now that I reflect on it, I can truly see how the situation was funny and entertaining to watch.

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