bazaar reflection
The things i experienced at the bazaar were fun my group had our up and downs. what i did before the bazaar to get the group going is set up a Instagram account that post our products. we also. we also needed ink and paper that i had to order and Jenna and I also had to figure out the printer because it was very difficult. At the bazaar day i did most of the advertisement by walking around and bringing customers in, i also took care of the money and took the photos while i wasn’t advertising. I worked with a group of three Jenna, Makinze and i.
The academic concepts our group used was math and art. We used math to calculate our costs and we used out art skills to make a loge and then the envelope. after the first day of the bazaar for us we all knew that we had to change out background and upgrade our photo strips. After making the upgrades we got a lot more people coming then last time even tho it was the slowest day of the bazaar.
since i joined business I’ve learned a lot. At the bazaar I’ve learned so much. I’ve learn how to operate a business and I’ve also learned how to talk to customers which is really helpfully in the future. I learned how to talk to customers by talking to so many people. learning talking to customers is really helpful because in my future the job i want to be acquires to talking to people and making deals which really matters.