
this is the video i watched before my lizards hatch i watched this thousand times and got ready for my baby lizards. this video really helped me because it was my first time having baby lizards. it was really excited and happy. i wanted to give everything to my baby lizards after they hatch. this is why i choosed this video and how i felt

My favourite picture

i choosed this photo beacause it was my best day in my life. I took this photo after they hatched and they looked beautiful. I was worried before they hatched but after they hatched my heart dropped. The feeling when i saw them was happy i was really happy that i cant even explain. This is why i choosed this photo

Meaningful Quote

“you got one life”

this quote is from my dad and my grandpa before he passed away. i picked this quote because when ever i feel tired or don’t want to do anything, i remind myself this quote. This quote makes me feel alive and makes me try my best to do stuff that i am tired of. i also think myself to study for later when i grow up. i really like this quote and it actually changed me.

favorite quote

if you imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can become it..

i choose this quote beacuse it really see it in my eye and i always say that to myself too