Exploring Photoshop


  • What are you trying to communicate with your photo – before and after?

In my photo from before, I am trying to convey the feeling of emptiness. The school before me is completely empty, seemingly. The sky is bright and nothing is around, one of the affects of Covid.

In the photo after, I am trying to show a cartoony Covid apocalypse. The world is seemingly empty and all that can be seen are small Covid’s. They are supposed to represent us and the sky represents that Covid is everywhere and it has taken over.

  • What photoshop tools did you use to modify the “after” photo? 

In the photo after, I used image > brightness/contrast to make the image slightly darker to make a darker feeling. I used a layer mask to create the Covid sky. I used the quick selection tool to edit the Covid’s and then command T’d to edit the size and move them around.

  • What do you want to learn next in Photoshop?

Next in photoshop, I want to learn how to combine images smoothly and make no seam between them. I want to learn how to blend images together to make them look like they are the same image.


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