1. Are you surprised by any of the data? If so, what are the surprises. If not, why not?
I was surprised that Romania had lowered its carbon emissions from 1990-2016. The decrease was substantial, as its total carbon emissions was halved. Another thing that surprised me was that the carbon emissions from U.S.A. were big from the start and grew only a little in 26 years.
2. What do you think the prospects are for future generations?
If the other countries follow the lead of Romania, they could lower carbon emissions until they no longer strongly contributed to climate change. The problem with this is that most countries are still developing and need the factories to start up their economy, or things related to carbon emission is too important to their economy. Another problem is that it may be already too late to stop climate change, and we’ll need to prepare for the worst.
By creating and looking at these graphs I see that almost all countries are producing more and more carbon emissions every year. However, countries have begun to stay at a certain level of carbon emissions after the Paris agreement, which is a good sign. Hopefully this means that once all countries peak, they can go forward and lower their emissions in the future.