Favourite Picture

This is my favourite picture – it’s a photo I took of the view from the top of the Golden Ears’ West Canyon Trail. I hiked there this past summer with some family members, and although the quality of this picture is low, it’s really beautiful up there, especially in the morning. It took us two days to climb to the top, and we spent two nights camping. It was difficult, but I had a lot of fun, and took this picture on our last day on the mountain. Notice my mug of instant oatmeal in the bottom right corner.

Favourite Motivational Quote

“Every man’s heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe their final breath. And if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the bodies of others and makes them bleed deeper in something that’s larger than life, then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized by the storytellers.” – Ultimate Warrior

This is my favourite motivational quote because it is a reassurance to me. My greatest fear is to be forgotten after my death, or even before it, to have done nothing at all worth remembering by time and by the future. I think this quote says something very true, because of the many stories of people in times past, kept because what they did was meaningful or relevant, important in some way. I also think it’s pretty funny, because Ultimate Warrior was a professional wrestler.

Favourite Music Video

My favourite music video at the moment is this – a beautiful animation of Freddie Mercury’s Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow. The song is about wanting to end a relationship in a good way, knowing that the relationship has to end, and the animatic takes the meaning of the song and applies it (aptly) to the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. Freddie himself died of complications from AIDS, and the animatic tells a horrible story that was so common at the time – a person, dying from AIDS, and his partner, both desperate to find help. In the ’80s, many people (often gay men) died preventable deaths from AIDS, AIDS complications, and poor treatment from everyone – and were ostracized and avoided, due to the homophobia of the time and the misguided belief that the disease was airborne. I find this video extremely saddening and even more so upon deeper reflection to the fact that elements of it are true.