Image with Impact

Image result for meaningful image people wearing masks

This photo is very meaningful and powerful especially in today’s society. People wear “masks” everywhere! On social media, in person, online, and anywhere else. You might look at a person and be jealous because they seem ‘happy’ and ‘well put together’, when in reality they’re not AT ALL! People hide their faults, flaws, and problems because they want to ”fit in” and they don’t want to show people the reality of their lives. Most of this has to do with today’s beauty standards and other standards that have been put out for a “perfect life”. When in reality no one has and ever will have a perfect life. Everyone has their ups and downs. People hide their feelings because they want it to seem as though they have a ”perfect life”. People need to unmask themselves and they need to stop pretending that everything is fine when it’s not. It’s okay to have a rough period of time in your life! Everyone needs to drop the standards that have been made, and they just need to live THEIR best life, not someone else’s!

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