science quote

my favourite science quote probably has to be the one by Neil Degrasse Tyson. “the good thing about science is that it’s true whether you or not you believe in it.” I personally think that this quote is an extremely accurate depiction of our society today, for the following reasons. Firstly, the idea of science as a whole is 100% factual, and no matter what the beliefs of the individual has, science is the one baseline truth that everyone can rely on. Not only has it been proven by events taken place in our past history as a species, but it has continually proven to be truthful in all its endeavours. another reason this quote spoke to me is because I have always looked up to and admired Neil Degrasse Tyson’s work. I think his finding are incredible and how he teaches them to the world is easy to understand and can be appealing to anyone, from an educational standpoint. His past works and quotes have continuouslsy  proven his wisdom and intelligence as a scientist. I respect and understand this quote and it is one of my al time favourites.

IB MATH9 financial literacy project

For this project, I think something I contributed to the group was my interesting new ideas and creativity. I was able to work with my group mates to create an impressive and fun video explaining our travel plan. I took responsibility for finishing my part of the project which was a little filming and part of the editing. this project helped me improve my teamwork skills and video editing skills.


Video sources

Footage for montage at beginning

All videos on site labeled for non-commercial free use

For other footage uses

All videos on site labeled for non-commercial free use


Inshot video editor used to edit video

winter market

This winter market, I believe our experience was pretty good. We had fun and we broke even. our business was very different from others though because we didn’t sell a product, we sold a service of fun and entertainment. At first, we weren’t sure if this would be successful because there was no guarantee that this project would work but we took a risk and it turns out it was the right call, our business was pretty successful. This project was done by Sophia, Stephanie, and myself in Mr. Valente’s block 2 marketing class.  We chose to do this project because we wanted to be different and we believed that if we made our business noticeable and bright, we would be able to attract a lot of customers. I think we made our bigger change when on the last day of the sale when we decided to adjust our prices so we could sell faster and get more customers. We even began to just sell our prizes because we had a significant amount left.  during this project I think I realized that this project was very different from our initial expectations, for one thing, I believed our area would be a little bigger than what we got so we had to adjust our games to make it fit. I also thought we would have a very hard time putting stuff up and taking stuff down, but I was easier than I anticipated. a core competency that I think I was able to communicate with this project s creative thinking because for every problem we faced we didn’t give up and we thought of new ideas to improve or business. Through this project I was able to learn that planning(R&D) and marketing is probably the most important parts of a successful business because we did spend a lot of time on R&D but maybe not as much on marketing and if we were to we might have had more customers. I also learned that finance is also very important and I think if I were to do this project again, I would have better finance because we would have made a much bigger profit if we had just saved money on expenses. This is important to all business owners and anyone interested in creating a business should closely examine these factors before beginning any kind of business.


My favorite video

This is my favorite video. This is my favorite video because this is a very upbeat and fun song, the music video is very motivational and I feel happier when watching it. Another reason I like this video is because the video also shows a lot of another culture and a fun sport.


my favourite picture


This is my favourite picture. It is a very pretty sunset. I love this picture because i remember my friends snd i were all joking around and having fun when someone suggested to take a picture and we took one of the sky when i see this picture it reminds me of all my friends and how grateful I am for them.

My Favourite Quote

my favourite quote is “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” by Albert Einstein. I think this is important because, we never know. Knowledge is important, however without imagination all that we know would not be, for even some of the greatest facts and pieces of knowledge, we would have not known if not someone imagined it first. knowledge is important, it tells us what we know and where we’ve been, but imagination shows us what could be and so much more.