science quote

my favourite science quote probably has to be the one by Neil Degrasse Tyson. “the good thing about science is that it’s true whether you or not you believe in it.” I personally think that this quote is an extremely accurate depiction of our society today, for the following reasons. Firstly, the idea of science as a whole is 100% factual, and no matter what the beliefs of the individual has, science is the one baseline truth that everyone can rely on. Not only has it been proven by events taken place in our past history as a species, but it has continually proven to be truthful in all its endeavours. another reason this quote spoke to me is because I have always looked up to and admired Neil Degrasse Tyson’s work. I think his finding are incredible and how he teaches them to the world is easy to understand and can be appealing to anyone, from an educational standpoint. His past works and quotes have continuouslsy  proven his wisdom and intelligence as a scientist. I respect and understand this quote and it is one of my al time favourites.