Winter Market Reflection

Step 1

I was assigned a project in which i had to organize and represent a business that would be selling product during the winter sale. Not all of the project was selling product. A lot of, if not most of the work was in making the logo, posters and all of the written work. My job in the group was to do all of the written work. With little to no exceptions. I was also in charge of the table design and getting that working. I was like the business owner in a way. I worked with Denis and Carl. Denis was in charge of getting buttons done and Carl had to make the cookie cutters. I did the written work and the table decorating because i didn’t have a 3d printer so it was somewhat forced on me. I also wanted to get a good grade and to ensure i tried my hardest i did the written work. An important thing to me was the good opportunity i got to work on my group skills and being able to donate $10 despite an additional $30 cost being added to the expenses.

Step 2

A lot of skills that i had learned in not just marketing but also other classes played a large part in the assignment. My math skills were put to the test when i had to make quick calculations during the sale in a somewhat “high pressure” environment. I had to use writing skills i had learned in english classes to attempt to make decent quality writing. My skills in formatting learned in Social Studies was useful in making each of the pages in the written work. Especially the tables. If the breathing techniques that i learned in elementary school count then that was also a awesome skill to have in keeping my stress at bay. I had to change my approach many times. The buttons took a lot of trial and error to perfect and we ended up with a better product than anticipated. I thought we could stick to one hard price on our cookie cutters but we made the change to make the prices negotiable and all cutters sold. Yes it was different than expected. I assumed since only a few people have failed to break even it would be easy. Well… It was a real shocker when it was quite difficult.

Step 3

I learned a lot during the assignment. How to manage time, How to sell to a high school population, How to work well in a group and the proper way to write a business report (which i think is rather cool). I learned as i went along and did the work. I realized i wasn’t waiting until the last day to finish work, I realized that i was selling products that seemed kinda lame (not the buttons), and i realized that i was enjoying group work when i had previously hated it. A lot of this work will come in handy in the future. Coming in extra handy will be my new group skills. It would have been easier to sell sound buttons with a larger budget but you can’t change the past.

Core Competency:

I have chosen Social Responsibility as my core competency because of the group work i had to do, the questions and problems that needed to be solved and me having to carry my own weight in the group. I had to cooperate with my group to overcome obstacles. For example, the multiple delays we faced in the creation of our sound buttons. I had to communicate with Denis and Carl to see what needed to be done to solve the issue. I had to do all of the written work, which took a lot of time and effort. If i failed we could’ve failed the assignment. I carried my weight and handed everything in on time. I’m honestly proud of my improved social skills.

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