Winter Market Reflection

During the winter market, my job was to go around the market and sell our product and get the word out. I held our mugs and hot chocolate to showcase our product and talks to our potential consumers walking by about our product and lead them to our stand. My groupmates were Nick and Saam. We chose to sell our product since we thought that teachers and students could enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate in our mug during this cold winter day. I chose to walk around the market since we thought that not all people will walk in front of our stand, and by walking around more people will be exposed to our product. We thought that the selling process went well and we made lots of conversations with our consumers including teachers.

The experience of the winter market sale was similar to what I thought it was would be like. I knew it was going to be really busy and we needed to be prepared. I knew we had to talk to lots of people so I prepared myself to talk and shout for our product to get attention and sales. The only thing that was different than what I envisioned was that we needed to be more organized with the money, and been more equal with our prices.

Math was really important in this sale since we had to calculate our revenue and sales. Negotiation is also important since we need to talk to the consumers about our prices. Persuasion helps when we talk to the consumers and make them think good things about our product. The rule of supply and demand also helped us consider our prices.

I learned about that running a business requires a lot of effort, I learned about the money supply, and how supply and demand worked. I also learned that marketing skills are really important when selling. I learned those while putting together the business and running the business, and when doing the money counting after each day of sale. It matters since I know how hard it is to make money now, and it will help me in the further when I am thinking of starting a business. We should have been more organized with the money in the future, and count the float before that sale so our number doesn’t get messed up.