Favourite YouTube Clip!

I chose this video because it’s like free therapy. For some reason this is one of my favourite songs. When I first listened to it I couldn’t stop it putting on replay. Some how the song casted it’s magical spell on me and it felt as though I was enchanted . The singer in this video has such a soothing and beautiful voice that I cannot stop listening to. I like to listen to his songs whenever I am sad, stressed, or want be hyped up. The song calms me down and makes me feel relaxed. Still With You is addicting to listen to. The lyrics, beat, and vocals harmonize so beautifully with one another making the song perfect. However the song itself isn’t the only reason why I chose this video. Jungkook the person who is singing the song is someone whom I look up to. Jungkook left home at age 15 to start his music career. He inspires me to go chase my dreams and shows me that it is never too early to start great things. Also I’ve met some of my closest friends through Kpop. Without it I would have never been able to meet someone of the most wonderful people I know today. If you need any new songs to listen to, I definitely recommend listening to this one!

Source: https://youtu.be/djKdPZiJdvA

Meaningful Quote!

“F.E.A.R has two meaning, Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.” – Zig Ziglar

When I was searching the internet to look for a quote my eyes immediately landed on this one. I was skeptical at first to chose it but for some reason it kept of resonating with me. This quote made me realize that I have a choice to face my fears or to runaway from them. Fear is something we all have faced before. Rather it’s the fear to try something new or to make big decisions. Many people are afraid to face the things that frighten them because of other’s opinions or the fact that they would not be satisfied with the outcome. However I believe that we should face our fears and try out the things that scare us the most. When you let your fears and worries take control of you it may feel like there is no room for solutions. Although your fears may hurt or terrify you at first you should not avoid your them, that way there will be a way for success. Nothing can be accomplished if you only chose to run. Therefore, face everything and rise! There will be a great amount of success waiting for you! Overall, I hope that my reason for choosing this quote will inspire people to face their fears.

Source: https://www.bobgarneronline.com/blog/personal-development/fear-has-two-meanings-which-will-you-choose/

Image With Impact!

When it came to choosing an image with impact, I immediately thought of this photo. Racism has impacted the lives of many people including myself. This photo is significant to me because it is like a reminder that many minorities are still facing racism. The image also helps encourage others to bring awareness to serious topics like this. As well as give a voice to those who face racism and inspire them to make a change in this world.

Source:  https://www.instagram.com/p/COClkvfL0nJ/