Meaningful Quote!

“F.E.A.R has two meaning, Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.” – Zig Ziglar

When I was searching the internet to look for a quote my eyes immediately landed on this one. I was skeptical at first to chose it but for some reason it kept of resonating with me. This quote made me realize that I have a choice to face my fears or to runaway from them. Fear is something we all have faced before. Rather it’s the fear to try something new or to make big decisions. Many people are afraid to face the things that frighten them because of other’s opinions or the fact that they would not be satisfied with the outcome. However I believe that we should face our fears and try out the things that scare us the most. When you let your fears and worries take control of you it may feel like there is no room for solutions. Although your fears may hurt or terrify you at first you should not avoid your them, that way there will be a way for success. Nothing can be accomplished if you only chose to run. Therefore, face everything and rise! There will be a great amount of success waiting for you! Overall, I hope that my reason for choosing this quote will inspire people to face their fears.


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