My dog ate my homework…


My hard work was reduced to nothing– pieces of my homework were all over the place with the remains of my dog’s saliva. My dog diddy daddles towards me and vomits out a clump of paper, looking at me with delight.

I ask myself this, how did this happen?


SALT Pet of the Month: The dog ate my homework! | SALT Shaker



I was in class, and was still thinking about what to write about; it was due tomorrow and the only thing I got was the plot.  English was never my strong point, however I enjoyed it.

I wanted to write about a romance plot but every word that came out sounded so cheesy. Class was over and I barely wrote a word. Why was romance so hard, how can I make it sound more natural?

When I went back home, I went straight to my room… and started playing games until 8. (I was so screwed.) I started writing words; I didn’t worry about if it was cheesy or not, I just wrote.

I stayed up until 1 and it was satisfactory for me to go back to bed.


The next morning

I woke up the sounds of unpleasant chewing, but despite the noise I went back to sleep. I woke up again, (as you recall) my homework was chewed up.

Instantly, I panicked and tried faking my sickness. However, it didn’t work so I decided to do another approach, “I forgot.”

This method worked, but I was forced to rewrite the whole story after school.



Rewriting the story made me hate writing a little, but I still liked it. Writing has always been an experience for me; all stories were different after all, and writing them made it so magical.

When rewriting the love story, I was clueless; I had no prior knowledge in love stories (excluding classics.)

At first, I was scared of starting the first sentence because I wanted to make it sound casual. In the end, I wrote what was in mind and it came out fine.

In other words, the experience was daunting at first, but I grew more comfortable with it later on in the story. After writing the story, I felt more comfortable talking about love plots and so on.

In every experience I gain, I get better at describing my dreams. Dreams are often strange: flying pigs, a dystopia, and many more. So, it is often hard to describe.

Thus, the more experience I gain the better I become at describing my dreams. As well, turning lines of words into vivid pictures is pretty cool.

I also like writing because it gives me a sense of ease. It lets me express my thoughts and emotions through words either in stories or any written work.

Not only in stories, but also in essays it gives me a chance to express my feelings and thoughts about a topic.

Moreover, school has always been a great source to create and share writings.

Not everyone on the internet should write a book — Quartz



School has created me many opportunities to share and write. In many English courses we write about many topics: virtue, life, and many more.

In fact, my recent assignment was about gratitude.

I usually stray away from topics I don’t like, but school makes it mandatory and sometimes it isn’t bad as it seems.

For instance, comedy. I feel my jokes in comedy would only appeal to grandmas, but peer feedback says no.

This brings me to the next point, there is feedback. Having an easy way to gain feedback from peers as well as experienced people (teacher) is great.

Feedback helps us improve, and the fact it is free is even better!



I like writing and school helps me express it. School gives me a chance to write as well a chance to share to gain valuable feedback.

I also learned the hard lesson of leaving out homework for my dog to eat.

Thank you for reading my blog post!

Why Giving Feedback Matters to Your Employees | Lucidchart Blog



Holiday, R. (n.d.). Not everyone should write a book. Quartz. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from

SALT, E. S. (2019, September 17). Salt pet of the month: The dog ate my homework! SALT Shaker. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from

Why giving feedback matters to your employees. Why Giving Feedback Matters to Your Employees | Lucidchart Blog. (2019, March 21). Retrieved February 10, 2022, from

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