Exploring Python

What is Python?

Python is a programming language suitable for beginners as it is friendly and easy to read for those who have no prior coding experience. It is a flexible code that can be used to print statements, create games, and much more.


What do you find the most interesting about Python? 

So far, I find modules (such as time.sleep) the most interesting in python. It is amazing how you can open up so many more possibilities and gain access to much more commands by just entering a single import line of code in python.


What do you want to learn next in Python?

Personally, I wish to learn more about the various modules in python and how to use them. Learning how to build gui’s or other interfaces with modules such as tkinter would be interesting.


Below is a image of a project I did recently, called the “Coloured Box Game”


During this project, I used various forms of HTML, including heading, paragraph, italic, and image tags. Then, I used CSS tags such as text-align, text-colour, br (new line), and hr (separator line).

I would like others to notice both the design of the webpage, as I tried to use and build on the skills I learned from previous lessons and projects to build the website.

I chose to add the creative thinking tag as I think that it was the main core competency I used during this project, as naturally, building a website requires a lot of creative thinking, from layout, to colour, to images used. I also added the making tag as I felt that making the website was a big part of the experience and process, as you had to combine multiple design elements and tags in order to create one final website.


Image of Website:

App Development

Study Assistant




What it Does

The app that I created, “Study Assistant”, acts as a companion to you while you’re working. It carries a variety of functions designed to help you improve your work habits, stay productive and on-task.

The main input source of the app is the user. The user can input data such as the length of the study period, set goals as to how many hours they wish to stay productive every week, and if they were productive or not during a study session.

Data is processed in the app in 3 main ways. If/then, counting, and comparing. If/then is used in numerous places around the app and is the fundamental feature of the app. An example would be if the “home” button was clicked, then go to the home page. Counting is used while the timer is active, as it will count down from the length the user inputted. Comparing is be used for the charts, and will compare data between two weeks. 

The output from the app will include functions such as a dimmed screen during study period, and charts and data at the end of the week.


Design Process

The main design processes used were defining, ideating, and testing. 

During the defining process, I built on a problem that I had myself, which is that it is sometimes hard to stay on task and productive during study sessions. 

In the ideating process, I took inspiration and built on numerous ideas that I’ve tried myself previously, such as the study timer, while also creating new ideas such as the chart and the dimmed screen, Then, I combined all of them into one singular app. 

I received feedback from many different sources during the testing phase, including from classmates and friends. I took the feedback I received into consideration and further improved my project based on the tips I received, such as adding and defining more inputs, and adding to the “goals” function. 



My proudest accomplishment from this project is the poster. I created it using Canva and I made it when I had zero experience with Canva before this project. I always love learning how to use new software and technologies and I look forward to further developing my skills with Canva and design in the future. 

What I want others to notice about the app is its functions, and how relatable it might be to some people. I know many other people who struggle with the same problem as I do, and I hope the functions within the app can help them in some way. 

ICT9 and Core Competency Predictions.




  • Throughout this course, I predict that our class will practice communicating by collaborating with other members of our class both in person on-site, and via technology (such as Microsoft Teams) offline. In order to successfully use these methods of communication, I predict that we will learn how to use online communication tools in class.



  • Throughout this course, I predict that our class will practice collaborating in numerous different ways. We could bounce ideas off of each other, get feedback and advice on things that could be improved on our work, and so many more. We should also help those who need help and ask others when we need help in accomplishing something.


Creative Thinking

  • Throughout this course, I predict that our class will practice creative thinking by using online tools and software to make your ideas a reality. These creative ideas will be used to elevate your project and make it unique and personal to yourself.

Critical Thinking and Reflective Thinking

  • We can practice critical thinking in various ways. One way we could practice critical thinking is by thinking in detail about the assignments you receive and taking experience from past assignments before applying it to the current assignment. We could also build off of other’s ideas and combine it with thoughts and ideas of our own during group projects. I predict that critical thinking will become incredibly important when we start programming, as programming is very logical and requires careful analysis of previous code, especially during debugging.


Personal Awareness and Responsibility

  • Throughout this course, I predict that our class will practice personal awareness and responsibility by building good work habits and managing our work efficiently. One way we could do this is by dividing projects into multiple steps, making it more manageable instead of having one big end goal.


Positive Personal and Cultural Identity

  • One way we could practice positive personal and cultural identities is by respecting other’s thoughts. We should always take other’s thoughts into consideration and never shut them down just because you don’t like it. We should try and look at the idea from their perspective, and see where its coming from, and you never know, maybe it’s the one idea that has the potential to elevate your project to something you never thought of before.


Social Awareness and Responsibility

  • We should always practice social awareness and responsibility. Your actions on the internet have consequences, and you should be aware of those. Always be careful about what you say online and think about it before you post.



Sources Used

“Lightbulb inside a Thought Bubble on a Chalkboard.” Pxhere, pxhere.com/en/photo/1379760.

“The Noun Project.” The Noun Project, https://thenounproject.com/term/speech-bubble/9654/. Accessed 4 Feb. 2021.