Science fair: Supposed “Magnetic levitation”Lift

Why did I decide to build a magnetic levitation lift?

My research question originally was: How did magnetic levitation train changed our work, and where else it could be applied to?

I have long been interested in magnetic levitation trains. So at first I intend to build a mini magnetic levitation train track. But then I figure a train is not that original, and it will be better if I have something a little more creative. After much thought I had the idea of a magnetic-levitation gondola for transporting cargos. It’s suppose to use magnet’s same poles retract each other property to achieving transporting cargo with magnet attached to it.

This is a picture of my design:

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic I could not finish lift as I had originally planed. And without strong enough magnet I could not achieve the levitation part. However I did finish making the lift. With the use of pulley to which I learned from:

Wikipedia contributors. (2020, March 19). Pulley. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:11, April 8, 2020, from

This is the steps I took to build the lift is  all in this link:

Lift Machinary (1)Science fair

Here’s is also a video of me demonstrating how the lift work.

There is just one problem. I first designed this machine to transport magnet, but because I couldn’t get any, I now just ended up with a two lift and some strings. Where in life could that be applied. It wasn’t till recently when I was reading online that I found a use for my machine. The following is the article I read translated to English from Chinese: The people living in remote areas in Southern China by the bank of NuJiang , the great river, many years ago devised a way to cross the treacherous water in which they still do today. They would hang on to a handle and it would slide them to the other side providing the cliff on one side is higher. But such transportation is very dangerous, if the handle get stuck or if the slope between the two cliff is equal height then the people could get trapped mid-way.In some serious cases, the rope weakened by the prolonged pressure snaps, and almost no one survived the fall. Though nowadays bridges were built in that region, some people still attempt this method of travelling through the most violent tributary of Nujiang river, where no outside contact had been made. (This website is from: https://baike.

This is when my machine comes I handy. With the size of it increased and electrically powered, people could travel to any cliff just by  rolling up the rope on the other side. There would be no stuck in the middle situation either. Eventually this could become a light sport for tourist too, watching the river below as the rope drags them from bank to bank. See the source image

Over all it has been a  successful project , in that I found meanings to making my innovation benefit others. The working process was very enjoyable and I managed to learn a lot of things in the process. I wish there were more project like this in the future.

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