IB 9 Science Quote

“Science is a way of thinking, much more than it is a body of knowledge.”

Carl Sagan (astronomer, 1934-1996)

I picked this quote because I agree with. Many people see science as just a body of knowledge, a bunch of facts and information, but I believe that science is much more than just that. Science is a way of thinking that we can apply into our lives, a process, a cycle of steps that we can follow to achieve knowledge or a doorway to discovering something new. Yes, science has lots of information and is a body of knowledge now, but what about before? Before we had all of this already discovered knowledge, science was and is used to gather knowledge, to critically or creatively think to attain the information we have now. A real life example would be the Scientific Process. The Scientific Process is a guide for us to think in a cycle, to observe, make a hypothesis, test and collect data, analyze the data, see if our hypothesis was correct, and then to go back to the start again.