1 thought on “My Digital Portfolio

  1. Hey Yukyeom, here are two stars and a wish for your presentation!

    First off, I would like to start by complementing the professional look of your presentation. It looks very solidly put together and has very nice cartoon images to match. Every slide is very pleasing to look at and has very nice colours that complement each other.

    Secondly, I want to star your answers, specifically your goals. You did a great job putting your thoughts onto this PowerPoint and I can see your goals to help the community through acts such as helping your fellow cadet members learn the trumpet.

    One wish I had was that you would include a snapshot of your ICT project. You did a great job describing your growth and the challenges you faced, but I would love to see the final product myself.

    In conclusion, I’m very satisfied with the written contents and aesthetics of your presentation but I wish I could see your final Photoshop project. Cheers!

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