Assignment 1; Step 4; Image with Impact

This image reminds me of the walls; the wall that separates them from us. In this case, the slaves; many will think what lies behind the wall is freedom and happiness. One may break down that wall, but what lies there is nor freedom or happiness; what lies there is reality. A place where one may find themselves bombarded by walls; Walls that separate the blacks and the whites. A wall that separates classes and sexuality. A wall that separates the truth of the world. In short, a world filled with illusions and equality is simply inevitable. In the end, one may be next to a person on the other side of the wall; yet so close, they are distant.

I like it because it teaches us an important lesson; how we should be aware of our status. We ourselves should cherish our place in society; we shouldn’t be sad or mad because of a small stupid thing. We should be glad what we have right now; shelter, food, and water. In addition, we should accept everyone; no matter the race, sexuality, or class. We are all the same. Also, it teaches the flaws in our society.

I like it bec

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