Business Education
ADST – Information and Communications Technologies 9 – MADIT09
This is an introductory course designed to give students a broad understanding of computers and applications. Students will complete projects to develop their skills with graphics (Adobe Photoshop), vector images (Illustrator), 3D models (Paint 3D), 2D animation (Animate) and HTML coding. a number of projects designed to enhance their understanding of graphics (Adobe Photoshop) (graphics), Illustrator (vector images), Animate (2D animation), Paint 3D, Scratch (intro to programming). Students interested in pursuing a unit further will have the option to do so. If you enjoy a fun, hands-on environment while developing computer skills for life, work, and self-expression, this is the course for you!
ADST – Entrepreneurship and Marketing 9 – MADEM09
This course has been designed as an introduction to the Business Education curriculum. This is an overview course and is recommended, but not required, for senior level business courses. Accounting 11, Marketing 11/12, and/or IB Economics 11/12. Students will have a basis for course selection and career choice through their exposure to the core content of the curriculum. Entrepreneurship and Marketing 9 has six main topics: Marketing, Economics, Accounting, Personal Finance (budgeting, investing, credit control), Entrepreneurship, and Business Communication (business documents and presentations). This project -oriented course is not only fun, it is also extremely practical. Students may have opportunities to apply their skills in the marketing and operations of the school store.
COL Digital Learning 10 – XAT–10EP
In this course, students will be required to demonstrate the ability to efficiently and effectively navigate the digital technologies required to accomplish specific goals and tasks. The goal of digital learning is to help students learn how to select the correct digital tool to use at the right time and for the right purpose. This course also helps students learn how to behave ethically and responsibly online while always protecting the personal security and privacy of themselves and others. In Digital Learning, students will develop strategies for life long digital skills beyond a school setting. Students will use their blogs to provide evidence of their learning within specified digital fluency areas: Information, Solution, Collaboration, Media, and Creativity. Find out more at: We will be meeting students during core courses, flex learning time, scheduled Teams meetings, and special topic assemblies.